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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. It means that when you log in, you go to a fake exchange they built to "estimate" your premiums and subsidies that the Insurance companies would be crazy to accept since they don't know what they are responsible for, so the blame can be placed on them, and the WH can say, See, it works!
  2. Looks like the zero tolerance PC crowd claims another victim. Slippery slope indeed...
  3. No. Not just any election. His particular election was the tipping point...
  4. Perhaps. I do not see what that has to do with Lincoln though. Unless you are one of those that believes Lerone Bennett...
  5. Perhaps he is though as such now, but back then, he was and IS the most divisive president in US history. States actually seceeded from the Union over his election...
  6. The Indian lady who does the football intro song is pretty hot...
  7. I hate it even more when politicians trot them out as stage props for their latest agenda. They get conned. Got thinking that going will serve some real purpose or change things, when all it does is allow said politician to puff up their rhetoric...
  8. I didn't design mine, but I did tear all the old decking and railings off, and put the new ones in. So I consider myself manly enough...
  9. If the GOP has proven anything to me over that last decade or so, it is that it is COMPLETLY incapable of making even a decent decision when offered a slam dunk on a silver platter by the DNC. They really are truly a lost cause. They'll blow this too. They'll do what they always do, offer NO ideas or solutions, some idiot in Kentucky will start ramlbling about gays or rape, and "poof"...
  10. Still wondering about that myself. All kidding aside, there is NO way that they can actually fine people when it's impossible to buy insurance. Maybe another decree from the King?
  11. They've had ample opportunity to do so many times, and have had no interest in doing so. Coming up with a feasible plan right now would be the smartest thing theyve done in many decades, but that being said, there is no way they do so. The GOP is a case study on how NOT to run a political party in 21 centruy America...
  12. You know what would have worked better? Set up matches between combatants like a boxing match or UFC fight. For example, say everyone wants to see DC Tom vs. OC in Buffalo duke it out. So negotiate a match between those two, crown a champion and let challengers line up...
  13. The idiot who fell was fired from his job today, per Profootballtalk.com...
  14. How many days during Obama's presidency were four or more Americans killed overseas?
  15. Absolutely. By the time 2016 comes around, he'll be begging to go live in obscurity. Even with the stupidity of most Americans, this will NEVER happen. For anyone, not just current encumbant...
  16. Dan Marino called up Tommy after they game and told him "dude, you cry too much!
  17. Did you miss the sentence right after? No, I do not believe he will lay down and take his beating. The only question I have is if he burns Hillary on Benghazi, thus blowing up her 2016 run...
  18. This game has NE victory all over it. The Panthers are due to come back to Earth...
  19. It's without question that Democrats are going to try and throw him under the bus to survive 2014 and 2016. It remains to be seen if the President plays along for the good of the party and takes the beating he so richly deserves, or if the ego just can't let him shut his mouth. I think he does not go quietly into that good night...
  20. I'm siding with Tom. People are WAY to stupid for thier own good. This mornings main webpage on USATODAY was to the effect of, "After Obamacare FIX, consumers still skeptical". Fix? Nothing has been fixed, but this is being reported anyways. I think it's time to admit the Dems have every intention of making it past mid-terms intact, and I believe they will...
  21. Except the being a leader part...
  22. No way! he did NOT say that. Seriously?
  23. NICE! This is absolutely what I thought of when I read OC's first post in the battle thread! glad to see someone else out there did too!
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