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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. jez, why not fry em up and donate them to local shelters for the homeless? Id be worth the expense in PR...
  2. you've never heard of the "gay-stapo"?
  3. Do you get your plan through the VA? Is it immune to the 40% excise tax on "Cadillac Plans" in 2015? Just wondering, I hope it is for your sake, if anyone deserves NOT to get screwed by the new law, it's the veterans...
  4. Measly coincidence, I've watched about three episodes in the last 5 years...
  5. cut him some slack, he's a recovering gay fish dating a hobbit...
  6. I agree, the elimination of Pre-existing conditions as a disqualifier for insurance is a good thing, as is allowing some people to remain on parent's insurance until 26 can be a good thing. Tell me why it took a 2600 page law to do that? This law is too far overreaching and tries to do all things to all people, as ususally happens when Big Gov gets involved. If we wanted insurance companies to require preventative care in a plan, we could have done it and the above things and not changed the entire insurance system. and the verdict is VERY much up still out on whether anything available to someone like me would be "Affordable". Everything I've seen on Healthcare.gov is so overpriced I'd never be able to afford it. This is why I am skeptical of the whole thing. If the plans were about what I am paying now or maybe a little more...
  7. BS. My "Cadillac Plan" has a deductible of 1500 bucks and then it only covers 80%. I don't get anything for free, in fact, this plan has prevented many of my co workers from automatically running to the doctor for a sniffle. Not all "Cadillac Plans" are the same, and it doesn't mean you pay nothing. I about 5200 bucks per year for mine, and that does not include the other 20% I pay for other services. I should also mention that I am a transplant patient, so I do have quite a bit of personal experience with all types of health insurance, both good and bad. In 2015 when my plan gets cancelled because my employer cannot afford to splurge out an extra 40% off the top for the same coverage, our cost WILL go up, and our coverage WILL go down. It is ridiculous and beyond comprehension that anyone would argue it would not. It HAS to, it's designed to do that. This is why that law is ****...
  8. armed guards and metal detectors can only do so much. You can;t protect everyone from everything all the time. Armed guards and metal detectors won't stop a determined nut job. They'll just call in a bomb threat, and wait outside to pick people off...
  9. This was a "we better pass SOMETHING with bipartisan agreement. The masses are really catching on to our do nothing act"
  10. Sell the damn team Ralph
  11. I didn't even realize unitl this minute that POTUS and FLOTUS switched seats in the third still! LOL!
  12. Enrollment "Soars" in November. LOL! Pretty easy to do when nearly NO ONE signed up in October. Isn't most of the new enrollment due to Medicaid? http://www.usatoday....umbers/3960957/ One question I have is they need young, healthy folks to make this work, right? But most college age kids will stay on thier parents insurance until 26. The penalty for not having any insurance is what, 100 bucks, and that comes out of your tax refund check? Do I have this part correct? How does this help?
  13. what's the Gov's favorite song? "Straight Through the Heart" by DIO...
  14. seems like if the little old lady swerved to avoid someone else who was driving carelessly, the sign refers more to that person. Is the guy a dick for putting up that sign? Yes, but he can do whatever on his property. I am sure he's sick of people crashing into his building...
  15. wow, US got boned! They ain't making it out of that disaster without two wins...
  16. You know what they say. Who is the only type of person absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve?
  17. War on Women!!! Obama hates white people!
  18. Lily (his GF) kills him in the comic because she guns down a woman and Judith, who definitively dies in the comics. Also, it is tyreese who is decapitated prior to the prison assault, and Hershall is also killed in the assault by the Governer after his last son (Billy) is killed...
  19. I generally love the holidays, but I HATE having to travel with two small children, dogs, etc. All our family lives up north, so it's right up I95 through the worst stretch of roadway in the entire country (Washington, Baltimore, Philly). I guess I should be thankfull I don't have to go through NYC or Boston...
  20. they won't, they (and my company) will offer plans that run in the compensation package they were offering before. That means our coverage goes down and cost for us goes up. It has too, it is impossible for it not to. The President lied to me when he said I could keep my plan. He specficially wrote language in the Law that prevents me from keeping my current insurance with the 40% excise tax which hits in 2015...
  21. Exactly my position as well. when the excise tax on Cadillac plans kicks in in 2015, my employer cannot afford to cover us. I cannot imagine any other reason this was written into the law except to purposely force people into the exchanges. I work for a Fortune 500 and they can't afford it, what hope does anyone else have?
  22. I suppose I'll do spoiler space, but IMO, if you don't want spoilers you shouldnt be in this thread: when it became clear that they were going to have to fight, and that fighting would cause the loss of the prison no matter what, that Hershall and Michonne were likely going to die, why not just have someone sharpshooter the Governer and the tank operator? the whole assault would have fallen apart. So dumb...
  23. Not always. Some employer plans are "junk" plans that don't pay for anything, according to the F-In-L. All in all, he was fairly well behaved this holiday. As much as an Obama bot can be. Some of the few gems from this holiday: "The website failed because they had to dumb it down for the illiterate Americans to be able to use it, have you seen how big the fonts are"? "One party is this country is against healthcare" However, his older brother came by on Saturday. BTW, no one likes him at all, not even his family, because he's a douche. Brother says that he had a good Thanksgiving, but was informed by HIS in laws not to startu up with the usual BS political discussion and specifically not Obamacare, whom his 90 year old father in law was very upset about because his insurance was cancelled. He proudly relayed to us how he "broke it down for the old guy, why he's better off now". Yeah, pick on a 90 year old when they asked you nicely not to. This is what I'm dealing with...
  24. ughh. Why does he look pissed in that photo?
  25. He didn't really tweet that pic? Really?
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