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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. That's not why. Apparently, the new mantra is that everywhere else EXCEPT Chicago has guns and THAT'S why the gun violence is so bad there. Words of wisdom from the F-I-L...
  2. My point is none of these happen if people are more responsible with respect to controlling their firearms. But I wouldn't be surprised to see more gibberish spewing from the mouths of the anti-gun crowd over these latest outrages, as we all know, they ALL would have been prevented had firearms not been permitted in the world...
  3. So I see NJ issued 20 subpoenas related to this case. It's almost laughable how hard they're trying. Meanwhile, no charges for the IRS abusing their powers on the populous. Comical... http://www.usatoday....gegate/4572415/
  4. Cue up the rhetoric, a couple more kids got shot up by other kids playing with uncontrolled firearms. In Detroit and NJ no less. I bet it had to do with that Bridgegate thingie!
  5. Sad story, but my goodness. These damn Facebook status updates are killing people!
  6. It's just a PEG solution, it costs like a dollar at CVS...
  7. Really? The gastro guy I go to advised to buy lemon gatorade and pound it all at once and get it over with. It's like drinking soapy water. ugh!
  8. As long as there is no red or purple dye which messes up the imaging. Yes, it is fine to do so.
  9. Brown? No real people?
  10. you Fed up Pooj. You mix it with gatorate and pound the entire thing in one sitting, otherwise, you'll never get it all down...
  11. I'm not the guys biggest fan by any means, but it would be awesome to hear my Father in Law (super Democrate from NJ) piss and moan about him for four years!
  12. Damn straight! All true statements. Maybe you'd be more likely to give him a pass if he read about the scandal on the news first? Who's leading a rudderless ship again?
  13. It's even more than that though. It's not like he blamed a couple of subordinates and cast them off, while claiming he had nothing to do with it. He said it was his responsibility, and said the buck stops on his desk. Has there been one, single, solitary instance of Obama doing this? Even once?
  14. Certainly an abuse of power, and makes him look very bad. This should never happen. The biggest differences between this and the similar IRS controversy for the White House : 1. Christie moved relatively quickly to address the issue directly, took personal responsibility for it happening under his watch. He should have done so in Septemeber when it happened and not months later when the story broke, however. When has the POTUS EVER taken full responsiblity for ANY of the things that have happened under his watch? 2. He immediately fired the person directly responsible. 3. He didn't mockingly refer to it as a "phoney scandal" and blame it on a couple of poor chumps in an regional office somewhere. 3. Obama got away with it.
  15. http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/01/09/ross-baker-governor-christie-bipartisanship/4391591/ You guys must have really beaten down all the DNC folks around here, I figured they'd be dancing in the streets right now. If this was anyone on the "other side" would this even be news?
  16. Yeah, not alcohol related. Horseshit!
  17. Quite possible. I have no doubts that in some cases, as you point out, it's going to be better for some folks. I just hope it doesn't go the other way for the majority. We shall see...
  18. Even more simply, water's maximum thermal density is 4 degrees Celsius, not zero. So as water gets colder it gets actually gets lighter, quite unlike almost a every other substance. This is why fish survive in lakes during the winter, because the lake doesn't freeze bottom to top. This has very important implications for the formation of life on Earth...
  19. No. There is no multimillion dollar psyco organization sponsoring your particular identity. Therefore, the Libs don't give a **** about you or your feelings...
  20. Big agreement here for Archer and The Americans!!!
  21. absolutely! And IMO, a boatload of cash does wonders to sooth bruised egos and make players love their team!
  22. How many times are we gonna go through this, really? Mediocre teams, with a history of failure, that haven't sniffed playoffs or a winning season in 15 years will NEVER improve letting young Pro Bowlers at the peak of their powers leave the team. So what if they overpay him? Most players are overpaid anyway. It's not my money. I want the team to win. You keep good players, period. Besides, in two years he'll be the 6th highest paid safety anyway...
  23. Not gonna happen. Teams that are 6-10 don't have coordinators sniped...
  24. they could have blackmailed the crap out of them with those tapes. Gotten higher market value for the house!
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