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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. Idiots. As if this wasn't political enough, now using this excuse to send money to their interest overseas. God help us...
  2. I'm 42 and this was my first exposure to Bruno Mars as well. I thought they were fine, but I wish I could have heard him sing more clearly. I'd check them out again. Chilis just made me laugh...
  3. imagine a real snowstorm, say a foot of snow. Atlanta would cease to exist!
  4. Well the Dems don't want to lose the war. The War on Women that is...
  5. well, at least they are admitting it now: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/01/27/aca-increases-income-of-poorest-slightly-decreases-that-of-seniors/4939135/
  6. Right? It's called SLOW or DON'T...
  7. I think the drafting of players, no matter how contrived and silly it may seem, might have actually fired some guys up. "you picked me last? You picked THAT guy instead of me". "Ill show you"...
  8. Correct! Why would she act surprised? Five seconds before FOX cut to her feed, she was standing there as Sherman pretty much went through the exact same "tirade". He even grabbed her and hugged her. They absolutely knew what they were doing putting him in the air, they knew what he would do and say, because he had just said it...
  9. What difference does it make?
  10. I asked this in the other thread, and apparently it got gobbled up. Maybe someone knows the answer: Do the Bills HAVE to let Pettine take assistants who are under contract, or can they deny?
  11. if it doesn't actually HAVE the horse in the documentary, it's not worth my time...
  12. As far as the taking assistants with him, if they are under contract, the Bills can prevent this, correct?
  13. The Bills would be CRIMINALLY negligent and Beyond idiotic not to sign Byrd long term this offseason. You do not let Pro Bowlers in their prime leave and get better as a team...
  14. Ugh, soooooooo lame. Maybe she she should have "Bussed a rhyme". It would have been the only thing to make it more lame....
  15. This would have been good news. Fifteen years ago...
  16. just checking in, has the Richard Sherman Outrage Brigade pulled thier panties out of their cracks yet?
  17. People like you make me sick. Focusing on phony scandals, trying to shift our attention from a true abuse of power and whT will ultimately go down as the Crime of the Century. The closure of two lanes of traffic, which made some commuters late for work. The nerve of you and your ilk...
  18. Sherman is NOT stupid. He just likes to talk. Unlike 98% of the other nuckleheads out there! he can put his money where his mouth is...
  19. No one can cover for 10 seconds...
  20. God I made some dumb mistakes, and I have a serious mental block against doing math in my head. I got 90%. I'm a multidegreed chemist, these things are usually fun for me. Tom, you must not have small children, the only reason I got the nimbus question was because of Disneys "UP"...
  21. wow, I'm actually surprised. Bout the only difference I can tell between D and R in these criminal accusations are that: 1. Repubs tend to resign IMMEDIATELY, before the investigation comes out. 2. Democrats NEVER resign, even when the evidence is overwhelming. They hold on like grim death.
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