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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. My father in law, the biggest Democratic party supporter of all time tells me stories all the time about how "Rumms and Cheney are traitors and should be tried for treason"...
  2. Not sure if I am an actual conservative, my views slant more to the libertarian side of things for the most part. I am definitely a fiscal conservative, but have a more liberal view of social issues. To clarify, I think you should do whatever you want as long as you do not harm others, so if you are gay and want to "marry", fine by me. One huge problem I have with Republicans is that many in thier party seem willing to legislate morality in terms of religion. I think issues of morals/religion is up to you and should be left out of government. To address your questions: 1) Outlawing abortion: I don't like it, but know what? Just because I don't like something doesn't mean I get all offended and want things outlawed because I do not choose to do them. You want to get one, fine, live with it, but I wouldn't choose to do so. 2) Making contraception illegal: oh for Christ's sake, seriously? That's too dumb to even address. 3) Building up the military industrial complex: Miliary spending has many benefits to our economy, as it infuses huge dollars onto private industry, provides advances in technology, and employees citizens. I agree with the previous that they should be someone kept under control though, I do not believe in emprire building, and think we should avoid international conflicts if possible. But if fools get out of line, well, I'd do em like TR. 4) The right-wing has a special relationship with Wall Street and multi-nationsl corporations: huh? 5) Conservatives want to destroy all collective bargaining rights and blame unions for all of the problems: I think putting controls on groups who take from others to fatten thier own wallets is a good thing. No special treatment for anyone. 6) That anyone who is a progressive or pro worker rights is a communist or socialist: That is way to general of a statement for me, each person should be judged on thier own merits or lack thereof. 7) Is for a War on Women: anyone who actually believes this is either a dishonest or a complete fool. Or both most likely. 8) Is for a war on illegal immigrants: I wouldn't call it a war, more like, if you are going to have laws, then enforce them, or change the damn laws.
  3. holy ****, that could have been written by my father in law! I love the guy, don't get me wrong, but he is "literally" so bad, that if he hits a pothole in the road (in NJ) it's because the Republicans defunded the DOT and there was no money to fix the roads...
  4. No doubt. Some hippie lib chick posted something to the effect of "how come the DC were traitors when they blasted Bush and Nugent is just being patriotic??? I look at it like this: you have the right to say whatever you want, it's freedom of speech. I can call you an idiot for your retarded statements, that is my freedom of speech. I think what most dummies can't understand is that your freedom of speech is not equal to freedom from criticism. And I believe that the DC made their particular dumbass comments in England, if I remember correctly. I just love it when musicians and "celebrities" use their fleeting recognition to push their political agendas and beliefs on people. Hey idiots, it's a CONCERT! Pisses me off when people do that...
  5. According to Dwight Stephenson, it's the Mammy Dolphins!
  6. The guy can stretch the field. We have possession and slot guys...
  7. I guess Mittens should have just offered to shake their hands for $1000 and all would be cool...
  8. I was just having this very same conversation with my mom this week. While it would be without question a great thing, enforcing this law would be damn near impossible. Besides, don't many states like NY have this law already?
  9. They may have been worried that the Vikings would have traded the 3rd pick to another team who wanted Richardson...
  10. Damn RK, you're fired up today buddy!
  11. I know the new Challenger looks more like the car, but the original General Lee(s) were 1969 Dodge Charger hard-tops...
  12. True, but I don't think he can be suspended for that!
  13. Excellent news! Congratulations to Randy!
  14. That's nothing. A few years ago, the VP of my division thought it would be a good idea to have all the managers and directors under her get up at the quarterly meeting and perform this horrible rap about innovation and creativity. So you had these older, predominantly white professionals who were in essentially in charge of all of our careers (never mind the fact that they had likely never even heard an actual rap song before) up there'd making up freestyle raps in these ridiculous costumes. Just terrible, TERRIBLE, stuff like, " we'll my name is Bob and I'm here to say, that we like to innovate every day". And this went on and on and on for about two hours or so. It was quite Possibly the most embarrassing thing I have ever witnessed in my professional career. mention this to anyone in my department and you just get an immediate downward casting of the eyes, and avoidance of the issue, as if no one wants to subject their brains to the humiliation of recalling that particular waste of life...
  15. Understood, however, I thought that everyone in America would have instantly recognized the largest scale riot/disturbance in American history, it's not as though I was referencing an insignificant date. I realized immediately after I posted the second time that it may be misconstrued as condescending, which was not my intent, which is why I deleted the post. My main point is in agreement with what someone else said earlier, that many people will not consider "justice" served unless the result is a conviction...
  16. The point I was trying to make was that it is impossible for this Mr. Zimmerman to be considered a "good guy" no matter what the facts are. The example I gave referenced April 29, 1992 as what happens when people "see" a failure of justice to give them the answer they are looking for. and there were 53 people killed, and over 2000 injured in the LA Riots of April 1992...
  17. April 29, 1992...
  18. It has been revealed by Robbie Robertson that he visited with Levon in his last days and was able to say good-bye. This is good...
  19. I thought Muslims were not allowed to eat meat?
  20. I'd stink palm him...
  21. I'm guessing you had to read lots of Diane Vaughn, a la, "normalization of deviance" theory?
  22. I totally believe in the FSM! All hail the FSM!
  23. Tom, I'm used to discussing such things in simplified terms for the masses. I'm sure you can relate.
  24. Ok, I'll bite. What you said above is true, but it's the same reason that there is not ONE single superior lifeform on Earth. Less evolved life forms don't simply cease to exist (unless they remove themselves, duh huh) which is why we still have fish, frogs and rednecks...
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