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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. I can't see Youtube at work, is that the episode with the mutant people in the PA farmhouse that listen to the 50's music and beat people to death with baseball bats while keeping thier incestuous, legless mother under the bed? You are 100% correct in that case Mark, Holy crap was that freaky! total agree. Although the guy playing Uncle Hank should have won the acadamy award for his performance! Ass to Ass!!! For me, I can never look at Jen Connolly again without thinking of that. She's been Ned Beattied!
  2. Boxers have never struck me as the sharpest knives in the drawer, seeing how they make a living getting hit violently in the head...
  3. Sorry BFBF, he absolutlely deserves ridicule and mocking for this. He comes across as a MAJOR tool and whoever thought that this would be a good idea should be fired and that page taken down, immediately...
  4. 1. Abortion: Pro-choice. However, if I was female, I would not have one. Just my preference. 2. Gay Marriage: make ALL "marriages" civil unions, go and get "married" by a priest in a church. Problem solved. 3. Prayers in school: wouldn't be a problem if people would stop being "offended" if someone doesn't conform to thier belief structure. 4. Death Penalty: all for it. 5. Guns: fine by me. 6. Health Care: keep private, allow across state line negotiations to lower cost/increase supply. Tort reform (no idea how to make this happen practically). 7. War on drugs: decriminalize MJ, the rest can stay controlled AFAIAC. 8. Taxes: Flat tax for ALL. 10-12% sounds right. 9. Illegal Immigrants: I eliminated the other immigration catagory. I think we should punish those who hire them, eliminate support system and the problem corrects itself. For those already here, we can't send them all back, we need some way to help them become citizens in a legal and organized manner. 11. Free trade: I'm against it. 12. Military Spending: huge influx of dollars to the economy. Although cuts will likely have to be made everywhere, this is no exception. 13. Foreign Policy: stop being the world's police force, however, protect our national interests and trade as the military should. I like Tom's TR reference, this was what I was going for with my answer...
  5. wow, ok George. Bout time he did something that didn't suck...
  6. haha! They didn't want to lose to a girl!
  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......TJ, not 11, ANYONE but that!!!! For the love of Christ!!!!!
  8. Might as well make it 1,000,000 to the winner LA. You ain't gonna hand it out this year either. I don't think it is possible to pick em all. On that note, what is the current record for weeks into the season before everyone is eliminated...
  9. Every time Carolla smiles I'm reminded to waterproof my deck...
  10. Take out a bank loan like every other person starting a business...
  11. I seriously thought you guys were joking around, then I discovered that this is actually on Obama's website??? Holy ****, if anyone had any delusions that this administration was not intent on having every citizen suckling the government teat...I just can't finish...it's so surreal... This will go down in history like Mike Dukakis in the tank photo op....or Gary Hart....
  12. She looks like a turd that took a short walk on the surface of the sun!
  13. Steven Tyler looks like Auhgra from the Dark Crystal!
  14. XM radio is all I listen to these days....the Boneyard and Hair Nation are just about worth the price of the e tire package...
  15. like a screen door in a hurricane...
  16. I think the President will find that it is infinitely harder to run as the incumbant than as a challenger, simply because an incumbant has a body of work to examine/criticize. Or lack of one, either way, it is much easier to attack without having to defend...
  17. Love the fufu celebrity era names that are gonna be soooo dated in 30 years. This is why I picked normal names for my two boys...
  18. Ah, Rummy, Romney, who can tell these woman hating, evil corporation loving, non dog eaters apart these days?
  19. hmmm...not bad Mittens...
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