1. Abortion: Pro-choice. However, if I was female, I would not have one. Just my preference.
2. Gay Marriage: make ALL "marriages" civil unions, go and get "married" by a priest in a church. Problem solved.
3. Prayers in school: wouldn't be a problem if people would stop being "offended" if someone doesn't conform to thier belief structure.
4. Death Penalty: all for it.
5. Guns: fine by me.
6. Health Care: keep private, allow across state line negotiations to lower cost/increase supply. Tort reform (no idea how to make this happen practically).
7. War on drugs: decriminalize MJ, the rest can stay controlled AFAIAC.
8. Taxes: Flat tax for ALL. 10-12% sounds right.
9. Illegal Immigrants: I eliminated the other immigration catagory. I think we should punish those who hire them, eliminate support system and the problem corrects itself. For those already here, we can't send them all back, we need some way to help them become citizens in a legal and organized manner.
11. Free trade: I'm against it.
12. Military Spending: huge influx of dollars to the economy. Although cuts will likely have to be made everywhere, this is no exception.
13. Foreign Policy: stop being the world's police force, however, protect our national interests and trade as the military should. I like Tom's TR reference, this was what I was going for with my answer...