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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. well, maybe so. I believe the race will continue to be very uncertain until the debates begin. If Romney can't defeat Obama in the debates, then he is truly doomed, to put it in an obvious light...
  2. Just got around to watching this. THAT'S the executive director??? He shouldn't get stoned before he goes on T.V. Cooper made him look like a fool, but as others pointed out, that didn't seem very hard...
  3. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/ondeadline/post/2012/05/report-4-witnesses-revised-accounts--in-trayvon-martin-case/1 Witness accounts are apparently "evolving"...
  4. Jesus, what would have happened if they would have lost?
  5. right? anyone who wants to truly die would jump into the American Falls. Done deal...
  6. Not exactly helping your cause with this one Conner. And I never said anything about your intellect, just that you often post drive by style. However, I should not have mentioned anyone by name, a mistake I shall not repeat, as that was intended to be the point of the thread...
  7. This from a guy who assumes a thread asking for opinions from people is specifically addressed to you and only you, and I'm the one whose conversation holds no value? Find the part in the original post that called you, Conner, either unintelligent or ineloquent. Thank you for your opinion, see, now you're contributing!
  8. ah, I think you have it! This is what I was trying to distill down from all the information and couldn't get, emotional response rather than careful crafting of plausible argument... apologies to Conner if I mispelled something with my one hand typing as I am holding the baby at present...
  9. Oh, look everybody, Conner's back... Spelling errors aside (three week old baby, no sleep, sorry) I'm not actually arguing anything, mearly asking a question. Would you like to put forth your opinion or should DC Tom just cut to the chase and call you an idiot?
  10. In all seriousness, it is fairly innoculous and a pretty good start, since it doesn't really leave any wide open doors for Axlerod to exploit. Other than, you know, "he's so arrogant he is already planning for his first day on the job" angle...
  11. worked for Obama. His campaign was "I'm not Bush"...
  12. I don't know Bird, I am naturally skeptical of just about everything I hear from people, espeically since I know most people either have an agenda, are stupid or both. Meaning, since I don't live there and have not experienced it, I have to conceed that any stories out of that area are one sided... There is a reason that labor and work camps in the frontier era had lots of prostitution. Keeps the locals occupied...
  13. hmmm...Pink Floyd, I can see where you could say that. But the Beatles? Ah, to each his own...
  14. as long as we stay the HELL out of it, they can do what they want. Oh, and gas prices are gonna SUCK!!!
  15. And there was always good ol' Dwight Drane, who was about as conservative as they come...
  16. I can agree totally with this statement...
  17. No worries there, I am as far from a traditional pol as you can get. I have this recurring argument with my father-in-law who is the biggest NJ democrat alive. I ususally just agree with him by saying, "yeah, I'd say the Republicans are about HALF the problem". My personal view are fiscally conservative, but socially fairly liberal...
  18. This is the crux of my question. Is it REALLY that way, or does it just seem that way because the "white, over 40's" as you put it are better at putting up references for thier argument from reliable sources?
  19. It was suggested by one poster last week that the PPP board is heavily slanted toward the right. That once the right wingers get going, the threads turn into a self congratulatory love fest of conservatism. However, I do not think this is the case, rather, it might appear that way because most of the drive by and troll posters (DiN, Conner) are not the most eliquent in terms of thier arguments. I am speaking in a general sense, because there are many posters who while are more left of center, can and do phrase thier arguments in a concise and intellegent manner. So what say you all? Is this a right-wing board, or is it just a matter of there being more right wingers with a better command of the art of argument and debate?
  20. Agreed. I am anticipating a campaign as bitter as the epic Jefferson vs. your namesakes edition...
  21. Something in that article doesn't make sense to me: "One group still largely resists the trend: college graduates, who overwhelmingly marry before having children. That is turning family structure into a new class divide, with the economic and social rewards of marriage increasingly reserved for people with the most education". why would the rewards be RESERVED for people with more education? what is stopping anyone from getting married before kids? I guess that statement might not be worded in a clear manner...
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