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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. not possibly, definitely. As in most chemical pathways, there are multiple ways to get to the end point. Methylamine is just one way, and is easier and faster than cooking using Psuedo. It would be much harder and impractical to make methylamine first...
  2. I saw someone else mentioned this. WHy would dogs be against Romney? Didn't Obama eat a dog?
  3. I know it seems surreal, but this is the kind of content that gets play everyday on that particular station. The Father-in-law is a hard core dem, and he watches every night. I was over there a few months ago, and a guy going on about Rebublicans want poor people to die. Just comical...
  4. 51-3. Probably the greatest feeling as a Bills fan in my life. Just total domination from start to finish...
  5. The very FACT that the sitting Vice President of the United States was dumb enough to even mention the word, when there were many, MANY other ways to say it, is beyone belief. It is inexcusable, but I guess like his boss, we are clearly just "misunderstanding him" as usual. Christ, I wish I had a dollar for every smug !@#$ on TV that reminds me I am just not smart enough to "get" what the President and his ilk are selling...
  6. They seemed to be the comedic element in S1, I cannot buy them being inforcers as they were being set up as in the premire...
  7. Good to see you are making a stand for what you believe in. Doesn't it feel great to be part of the solution and not a large part of the problem?
  8. Honestly, it's a great idea, however, the execution in S1 was somewhat lacking. At times, I was QUITE bored with it, and other than Bohannon, Elam, and the Swede, the characters are uninteresting and bland. I will watch S2, but they really need to pick it up if they are going to survive to S3. I will also add that the production is top notch, I am just not sure where the story is going. This is not necessarily a bad thing, it just tends to be a bit dull to me so far...
  9. Thanks guys! I don't feel a day over 39!
  10. My biggest concern for the debates is who is asking the questions. As an independent who both candidates need to win the election, I am hoping the questions are fair, but I am guessing that both the President and Romney will already know the questions ahead of time and will have prepared answers ready. This favors the President. However, if they only have a general sense of the questions, Romney will have the advantage, because the President does not have a very good recent record speaking off the cuff. Given the appearance that the media basically has Obama cheerleader outfits on, I wonder which will be the case?
  11. you know, I kind of figured TBD would be a trainwreck after last night's performance, but man...
  12. Because the evil corporations and greedy business owners don't like black people, and are purposely trying to screw Obama... (an actual quote from one of my family members who is a huge, union/democratic supporter)
  13. Correct. All he has to say is, "I'll release my records when Harry does". Then watch Reid STFU...
  14. Randy - cause he's the coolest! DCTom - To help us deduce Crayonz true identity. Jay - He'd crash the party anyway! Lori - the human encylopedia of Bills lore (I miss you!) AJ - to debate the merits of George Lucas with me. Lana - To add some much needed class into this group! and Rockpile - always makes me feel like he's glad to see me! (feel free to bring the whole family Tom)
  15. I tried to see it that way too fj. I really did. But it doesn't pass the smell test, because not only did he say it TWICE, but it could have been worded so much better, assuming that was his point he was trying to make. He could have just said what he "meant", "It takes an entire community to make the economy work" or something along those lines. But he didn't. Not only that, but as an independant voter, whom BOTH parties need in order to win in November, I am more than fed up with people trying to explain away everything the President says and does as "oh, you just didn't understand what he was saying" or "that isn't what he meant", or something to that effect. I've HAD IT with the notion that I am not smart enough to figure out Obama's grand plan. I listen to what the man says, and I listen to the entire speach before I decide what I think about it. Romney is right to have a field day with this. Now to your point about whether he will actually limit growth of government, I don't know...
  16. Ron Paul 100% Gary Johnson 96% Virgil Goode 90% Jimmy McMillan 80% Mitt Romney 62% Stewart Alexander 59% Jill Stein 52% Barack Obama 33% Who you side with by party... 100% Libertarian 62% Republican 52% Green 33% Democratic OMG! I am a dirty hippy!
  17. boy oh boy, you can just see Charles Rogers all over this guy...
  18. pulmonary embolism. He was 71.
  19. Is that the one where Rocky fights Vanilla Ice?
  20. Bisc, I believe DTV is giving free channels out (encore?) but am not sure. That is just hearsay...
  21. But my eyes are so dreamy and sparkly! I should trademark a fancy catchphrase to smite the morans! What should I go with?
  22. sigh....looks like I killed another one...
  23. none of that matters. Didn't you hear? He got BOOED! HAHAA! He must suck, for the news media tells me so!
  24. Fascinating. I am not in any way competent in the modeling simulation technology they are using, but I would be hesitant to accept a trend with that much error and noise in the background. To me, and again, I have no knowledge of their modeling technology, the best that you could say from that with the amount of error I am seeing is that the data suggest that global temperatures predicted by using tree ring data appear to be stable. One other thing I did not see, although I did not pour over this document with the scrutiny of a peer reviewer: how did they establish significance or degree of confidence for this trend? I think this reinforces what I was saying earlier: the Earth has feedback mechanisms to handle influx/out flux and keep temperatures relatively stable, but note that this study means F-all to what would be expected to happen moving forward. Still pretty cool though!
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