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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. Duece Biggalow. I don't know why, I just find it hilarious...
  2. Yeah, caught that. That was pretty funny, since they essentially pulled a win out of their ass...
  3. Thank you brother, no, I don't post LAMPs as a general rule anyway. I appreciate the kind words! And you fight it cause you have to, what other option is there? I am very lucky to have incredible support from my family and friends who have helped me get back up when I was quite literally, on my back. This weekend, some buddies are coming by to spread some mulch in my flower beds, and the guy next door cuts grass for me. It was overwhelming how people come together and help out. Even if it's just a buddy bringing you a decent coffee while your chained to a hospital bed. I have been really lucky...
  4. Trust me, I just went through 37 days of treatment for leukemia and my weight dropped from a slim 155 to a out 105 pounds in that time. I lost the ability to walk, and could barely stand. Cancer and treatment will destroy you. I was alarmed but not surprised to see Jim Kelly so frail, but he's been through the fire. If the cancer is controlled, he'll get better. I'm doing much better these days by the way!
  5. Whoo wee, what a beat down! Dutch making Spain look silly!
  6. The Gamesters of Triskelion (thralls!) Spectre of the Gun (shoot out at the OK Corral) The Devil in the Dark
  7. He has the same kidney disease that I have...
  8. I feel awful for Jim, if Anyone can beat it, he can. He's my inspiration as I fight my lymphoma. I kind of feel a special connection to him...
  9. It says it was staked down, the wind lifted it anyway. Scary, my kids love those things...
  10. This was a personal friend of mine, and someone who's family I have known all my life. It was a very tragic accident and thank god no o e else was killed. A high price to pay...
  11. Yes, but for last years negotiations, which is when he should have been resigned. Last year is where the Bills should have made their big offer. Yes, I'm bummed he's gone, and I was a very vocal member of the "don't let your young, exceptional talent go if you want to improve crowd". In this case, the FO did what they could in an impossible situation. Once negotiations failed last year, there was no way he was coming back this year...
  12. Really, really excited for this. The original Cosmos was such a defining influence in my earlier, formative years, and I don't think they could have found someone better than NDT to carry on Carl's legacy. The only thing I was a tad confused on was whether this new series would be touching on new subject matter, as he cosmic calendar, starship of the imagination, and the story of Bruno have been covered by the original Cosmos...
  13. Lost was definitely more about the journey than where you end up. It's on Netflix. I really like FX's show The Americans, very good show! Highly recommend!
  14. I've been looking for a good binge show lately, only, I have access pretty much only to Netflix so I'm limited somewhat. I've only seen season 1 of Game of Thrones, it's good, but it's not worth 50 bucks per season to buy it. Gave up on Sons of Anarchy in the middle of season 5. Just way too much over the top BS with the mother and "Old Lady" crap. They needed to do something with that mother. Waiting on the final season of Mad Men, just to see how it ends. I think it's beyond lame for them to air it in 7 episode parts over two years. Ugh. I tried to get into Dexter and just couldn't, maybe because of all the negative hype on how it went off the rails. I really want to watch The Shield, I have heard great things about it. I've been watching stuff I've already seen like BSG, xfiles, Star Trek, and stuff like that...
  15. I wouldn't even want to be in the same room with that filthy tramp porn star. Might get a hairpez on you...
  16. Any word on how the meeting between Byrd's agent and the Bills went on Saturday? Anything at all?
  17. Spoiler alert for those interested:
  18. at PFT.com, one of the comments in the article was: "How is it possible that Sterling Sharpe speaks so clearly and thoughtfully, and Shannon sounds like a flat tire doing 75 mph"
  19. Running our of troll material? This show has been out for about a year...
  20. Give him what he wants. It's not my money! I want a real team again. Even if you make him the highest paid safety in the NFL, next year, someone will get more. By his third year, he's making average coin again...
  21. One thing at a time. If the Bills don't make a real offer to Byrd, I will have serious concerns about this "new" front office. For the fiftieth time, you DO NOT let elite talent in their prime go and improve your team...
  22. So sorry to hear it West. God bless you and your family...
  23. 24 hour news cycle disease. They have to find SOMETHING to talk about, so they tend to make stories out of non-stories...
  24. Probably the funniest thing Jimmy Fallon's ever done...
  25. and people have the gall to wonder why the GOP doesn't trust the administration...
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