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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. as it should be. I can't fault the President at ALL for that...
  2. I will assume for argument's sake that this is exactly what transpired. That being the case, it is quite sad really. But what is really sad is the sheer volume of people who have no idea this is/may be what occured, only that those damn Republicans torpedoed the deal because they don't like "the black guy"...
  3. Please don't let it be W...
  4. I can see it now: "WARNING - this vehicle may cause severe injury or death to little white girl activists"
  5. To his point though, which plan do you think will "sparkle" with people more? Free money, or you have to work for your money?
  6. Certainly a better episode, and starting to get a little better in terms of story. Glad to see Irish Bert and Ernie actually doing something that's not completely dopey. Who didn't have a Mr. Wo flashback at the end?
  7. This is the correct answer. A tackle there and the game could have been completely different...
  8. this is by far the best comment: From Cory - It kills me that I can't find it anymore, but I saw a blog post one time from a fellow fan about an email they received from the Bills asking them to renew their season tickets. The team was coming off one of those classic Buffalo 5-11 seasons where they suck all season and then win their last 2 games just to avoid being able to draft someone half decent and get stuck with JP Losman throwing more picks than touchdowns again. The email had the typical bull **** about all the great perks and how exciting the next season would be and all that garbage, and then there's a picture of Losman lining up to take a snap, because nothing gets people wetter and willing to cough over a small fortune to watch a ****ty football team more than an image of a future UFL superstar. But upon closer inspection, by seeing who they were playing, what the scoreboard said, and where the team was lining up, the picture of the play that the Buffalo Bills decided to send their fans requesting them to renew season tickets was of JP Losman getting sacked for a !@#$ing safety.
  9. I gotta say, those might be the best "last words" in history right there...
  10. even if it was in his personal wishes for burial, and even with his status at NASA, it would be improbable. Manned missions are planned down to the ounce of weight, it seems unlikely they would scrap something for the mission to do it. Just saying...
  11. He did not, it was Deke Slaton's final call for the reasons I stated above. He was just closer to the damn hatch and it would have been immpossible for Buzz to get around him and out the door first with the giant, square backpacks. Although Slaton did point out that Armstrong was the commander and should get out of the LM first on principle...
  12. Armstrong did NOT pull rank, his position in the LM was directly next to the egress hatch. It was simply a matter of logistics...
  13. aren't the debates a set of programmed questions that they will know ahead of time? He won't need a teleprompter if he has a week to write a stunning answer to the question. This is my concern, because I think that in a cold debate, the President would be in real trouble. I suspect others know this as well...
  14. It's really not though. It's a fn joke guys, he's making light of a stupid situation, Mittens is on record several times saying he believes the President is a US citizen. Much ado about NOTHING...
  15. God damn, what a piece of **** that guy is! LOLZ!
  16. What I find most interesting about the debate around Obamacare vs. Romneycare in MA, is that people attempt to equate a policy that was designed for one particular state with one of the richest populations, to the entire US...
  17. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2012/08/white-house-republicans-block-fiscal-cliff-deal/1 Sabotaging the President, or standing up to a crappy bill? Discuss...
  18. No, these are the veiws of a few mentally challenged fools who unfortunately get dramatized by the other team into, "look at how the ENTIRE base thinks"...
  19. @Bug - of course you don't always have to do exactly what a cop says at all times. My point is that it is better to try and diffuse a situation where you might get your ass kicked by the police by listening, rather than acting a fool and escalating the matter. In cases where all you have to do is sit and be quiet, I'll take that over going to jail on principle...
  20. Today's AP poll: Obama with a 1pnt lead over Romney...
  21. something tells me there may be more GBs in her immediate future...
  22. This will not be the popular opinion, but once again, if people would just STOP and LISTEN to what the police tell them, **** like this will NOT happen. She needs to watch Chris Rock's "how not to get your ass kicked by the police". Cue the whiners...
  23. jez, she couldn't have found some 18 year olds that were NOT her students? Still, that sentence seems a bit much...
  24. Actually, I think this idea translates much better as a film than a book, simple due to the fact that I don't believe the author to be a very strong writer. I plan to see the movie very soon...
  25. Have not seen it. I did, however, read the book and was quite disappointed in it. Without bringing up the fact that this kind of story has been done before, and much better, I felt the writer spent too much time telling us we should care about character X,Y,Z, and telling us that Katpiss or whatever was all in love with the baker kid, but really in love with the guy who was only in the book between pages 1-10. Point is, you need to write in a way that lets the reader discover and come to these conclusions themselves. Perhaps this is why the book was so popular with teens and preteens, not much thinking required. Don't get me wrong, I am not necessarily pissing all over the book, I just don't get all the hype. When I hear things like, "OMG, it's soooooo good, it's the next Twilight", I should have vastly lowered my expectations. Honestly, I just did not care at all about ol' Katpiss, and was hoping she would get killed, as I found her to be annoying. I leave you with a choice line from the book which caused such an uproar of laughter, my wife came into the room to see what was going on: "the saltiness of the soup reminded me of my tears".. Indeed. Perhaps the movie will represent better, I am willing to give it a chance...
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