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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. I jsut assumed it was to be held at Time Warner downtown. However, it appears that I was mistaken and that they had planned to have it at BoA? Dum de dum dum DUM!!!
  2. The older the berry, the sweeter the juice Craig...
  3. Precisely. On a recent trip to Denmark, we found out that tipping is not something that they are at all upset about. They consider it a defi tie extra if you do it, but wouldn't curse you under thier breath if you least nothing. Service people there get paid much, much better than in the US...
  4. Right, thanks for clarifying. Still think it was kind of meh...
  5. The last third was interpreted as very dark and war like, with all the NOoOoOo! I think that it was quite smart for Romney to emphasize the Patriotism and American pride angle. Also, I had zero problem with his contention that the USA should dictate to other countries things in our own best interest. It's what most people want to hear, that this country is the greatest in the history of the world. I find nothing wrong wi that at all. This is an area where Obama is weak (IMO), foreign policy, I think the "apology tour" particularly hit home. It will be interesting how the President responds at the DNC. I did think it was kind of lame to mention Obama told Russia he'd get back to them after the election (really, what was he gonna say, talk to whoever the GOP nominate?)
  6. What about "glasses wearing prick"???
  7. He has to clear waivers first...
  8. They did though. Smug, Ed Norton looking prick with glasses on MSNBC was crying about it last night. I am not sure why anyone would have a problem with it? I thought it did Romney credit that he mentioned patriotism frequently...
  9. Yes, that is what I mean exactly. I did not at ALL expect him to get into specifics. Tonight was not the time nor place. But that time starts tomorrow I think.
  10. I was neither put off, nor impressed with Eastwood. I didn't tune in to hear from him eitherway. Romney needed to do three things tonight: explain WHO he is, in his own words to those who only know what the media tells us about him what his general vision is and how that differs from the current adminstration unite HIS base and give them the confidence to believe they can win the election. In essence, to become the face of the GOP I though he did all three fairly well. I think he came off very well talking about his family, children, his parents. I think it was smart that constantly mentioned how great America is, and that we all have the opportunity no one else in the world has. He addressed some issues (for good or ill) that people, especially our friends on the left, have about him: namely, where does he stand on Iran? I thought he was very positive about many things, and I like that he had a positive tone on immigration. And I do not believe he was overly critical (without merit) of the President. I did not find him to be petty or condescending. There were some things that didn't resonate with me, such as the religious aspects, but again, that is part of uniting his base. However, unlike MSNBC, I did not find his speech to be overly "sabre rattling" in tone. Honestly, I WANT the President to have the attitude that America is tops and we can kick some ass if needed. I did not take away that we are "going to attack Iran" or that we are building our armies to be a world conqueror. He did say that he wanted the military to be one that "no one would dare threaten". I am not sure how you can disagree with that sentiment. Overall, I think he did what he needed to do. Now I have to hear more specifics about what he will do about this proposed 12 million jobs. Time for some substance Mittens, what is your plan for health insurance reform (Christ, I HATE the term "healthcare" reform)?
  11. jez, I don't know. Ohio? AND PA? Both NC and VA? My meaningless opinion: Obama carries Ohio and PA, Romney with VA and FL. Can't make a guess on NC...
  12. Agree on the last point. Honest question: Are you disappointed in the President for only pandering to gays when he was accepting money for his reelection?
  13. The sigs look different to me...
  14. Jenna? How does that work? A filthy, tramp of a pornstar in a highly religious base?
  15. I am interested to hear Romney speak to this issue as well. Also, what his plan is for Afganistan...
  16. Did anyone check thier voter cards? I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they had a "D" on thiers...
  17. yeah, no one cares what he thinks. He's dead brother...
  18. Just for giggles, I tuned into MSNBC just to see the reaction to Ryan. Other than Matthews who apparently was in the middle of some nonsensical tirade when his mic finally cut in, they were surprisingly positive about it. Except for that smug prick with the glasses who looks like Edward Norton (the guy giggling to himself when explaining that the GOP were silly for calling out Obama on the "you didn't build that" statement a few months back), Then I saw Al Sharpton and actually laughed out loud. That's when I turned it. Really, they lose EVERY shred of credibility (haha) they ever might have had by allowing that buffoon any airtime...
  19. Hahaa! That's not bad Joe!
  20. agreed...
  21. NB, I respect you, You know I do, but you have to let this one go. He flat out said it twice. Had he meant to say "others were involved in your success" or "it takes the whole community to grow our business" he could have just said that. He did not. Sorry, he has to get dinged for that, IMO. But as you said, we shouldn't have to have this conversation again...
  22. Yeah, I know it. But he asked specifically about GOP. I don't like how fiscally irresponsible BOTH major parties are either...
  23. Almost COMPLETELY agree with one exception: I don't think legalize is what I would want to see with drugs, rather, decriminalization of things like weed. I also don't happen to like how hand in hand they always seem to be with the religious fraction of the population, but I am not a Republican. I would be much more willing to stomach thier party if they were a little less willing to want to legislate morality. But that is just how I see it...
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