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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. That's great. I think that may be a PPP first...
  2. Haha no way, did he really?
  3. So despite all these constant stories about how damaging Mitten's comments were, is there really anyone who was going to vote for Romney changing thier minds? Over this supposed gaffe?
  4. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/ondeadline/post/2012/09/14/wisconsin-walker-collective-bargaining/70000388/1#.UFO3YGt5mSM Well, that didn't take long...
  5. Good work Jon! We'll see how it plays out...
  6. conversely, if you don't support the President's reelection, you must be a Romney guy...
  7. Knowing your background a little bit as I do, Chicot, what is your opinion on what can be done (if anything) to correct this problem? Is it hopeless?
  8. This^ and people wonder why I don't make my poor little kids wear Bills stuff...
  9. No threads during game time dude...
  10. wow. I guess the Commish is not going to be happy. How can this be overturned if the NFLPA collectively bargined the rules?
  11. It was a mistake, fon't got jacked up.
  12. I rarely use this terminology, but that has me offended. I am a transplant recipient and to insinuate that the reason people can't get transplants is because of being denied insurance? HORSESHIT! The number one problem in transplantation is availability. To make this issue about politics instead of facts is disgusting... .
  13. As I have said countless times, if he had moved the team, they should bury him in secret...
  14. Apparently, the media "fact checkers" had little issue with anything in Clinton's speach last night. Shocked I tell ya...
  15. I don't mean anything you said Cat, I was calling B.S. on the contention made that the Dems ommited the "God" part by mistake. I think they knew exactly what they were doing...
  16. The Charlotte Children's Theater is a good place for a clown show...
  17. You shouldn't be so hard on him. He just quoted VERBATIM from a MSNBC piece my father in law subjected me to not long ago. It is a common talking point there that the GOP actually want poor people to die...
  18. I'd be stunned if they go through with the BoA venue. My guess is they move it to TW arena, seeing how they already threw a convenient out by mentioning "unless the weather gets bad". Clever...
  19. Since I have no idea what the second is, I choose the first option.
  20. No, that's the Jags. Panthers do fine...
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