Good God, this show is freaking horrible! If not for Gus Fring and Billy Boyd, the show would be completely unwatchable. Other than those two, every character is a one-dimensional bore, and everyone acts in an irrational manner.
Why is Google boy still a fattie? He's useless, there is no way he would have survived in that world. And now he's displaying the secret power pendant to the enemy?
British blonde lady had an interesting back story, but has since been killed off. Although she took like 30 minutes to bleed out from a severed femoral artery.
Miles is a grumpy batman figure who's superpowers are apparently that he is immune to how stupid, useless, and downright criminaly dangerous to everyone his nitwit neice is.
Hot, black, resistance lady is kind of cool, but also does not act rationally. How freaking stupid do you have to be to have a tattoo on your back, which is essentially a death sentence if seen by the militia? Hell, she doesn't even have to be strip searched to find that.
And this brings me to the real issue with teh show: the two sibling leads. Annoying girl Charlie has two emotions: crybaby face and wide eyed furrowed brow. I think Danny boy is a cuter girl than her. And next week, she's supposed to have sex appeal? I can't wait.
See you next week!