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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. But still good news for the President, apparently... http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2012/11/02/jobs-election-obama-romney-analysis/1675239/
  2. This is the greatest thread ever!
  3. Hard to say. We have been monitoring the weather patterns on Earth for such a very tiny slice of geologic time, it is impossible to predict with any certainty how this relates to any time in the past and future. Which is why there will NEVER be a scientific consensus on "Global Climate Change due to mankind's influence" as I like to call it. What is indisputable, due to the laws of physical chemistry, is that dumping large quantities of gases which absorb in the IR is an unwise practice, and reducing their input to the atmosphere should be considered a prudent course of action. But we must find a way to do so without completely destroying the economy. This is the point that is nearly always missed in political discussions...
  4. True. However, I think that the rest of the state will make up the difference for Romms. And love the Tim Curry avatar BTW!
  5. we have a little news ticker on teh closed circut TV's here in the building. It's hilarious to see the bias even here. For example, to paraphrase today's gems: "By doing his job, Obama gives himself a chance to re-claim his job" vs. "Romney struggles with previous disaster relief comments"...
  6. There is NO way Obama wins VA. No way. I have NO evidence, it's just what I have seen and heard living here. If I am wrong about this, I will voluntarily withdraw from PPP....
  7. Yeah, I am not sure where the hate comes from. I like to pick at him some, but Hate is too strong a word. When someone says, "I hate ..." it implies a personal context. I don't know the guy, I can say I dislike his ideas, execution, writing, directing, and smug attitude, but I can't say I "hate" the guy. He's probably a pretty good guy, for all I know. I just happen to believe that he is extrememly fortunate (about 4.05 billion dollars worth) that he surrounded himself with more competent writers, directors and other movie making people, otherwise, Star Wars would NEVER have been as big a hit as it was...
  8. He didn't rape anyone's childhood. More like disappointed our adulthoods. Although, getting the bloated bullfrog out of the picture would give you a greater than zero % chance of having SW movies that don't suck...
  9. wait until you see who's in the closet! (Not figuratively)
  10. I am going conservative. 240...
  11. Happy days! Looks like I was wrong! http://www.avclub.com/articles/amc-to-keep-the-nihilism-train-rolling-with-anothe,88064/ Season Three!
  12. Nope, that's it...
  13. Right? Like a bunch of scrubs like those pinheads are gonna sneak up on military types, and wax them all without even getting off a shot at them, much less losing a man.
  14. How's that? No one is talking about this...
  15. No. He is the "Governer" of the Town of Woodbury. As a side point that will interest almost no one but me, the actor the chose to portray the convict that Rick cuts in half looks very much like the character of the Governer in the GNs...
  16. I bet term limits would go a long way towards fixing that problem. As you correctly pointed out, politicians of all parties are more concerned with being electable instead of doing what is right or necessary...
  17. And your quote above, when taken into context (assuming it's true), should frighten the Democrats to death. Let me be clear: The President has 3x the boots on the ground and Romney has a high school organization by comparison, and they are STILL TIED IN OHIO. You should be quite concerned...
  18. Happened in my wife's hometown. Very sad...
  19. The most glaring thing for me reading this is just how full of crap Gailey is. Yes, you read that right. Here is why: He claims to know nothing of defense, yet he designs offensive schemes to attack defenses. He can tell just from what he knows of offense just how craptastic Wanny's defense is designed. He is covering for his bad hire, IMO...
  20. I get these huge junk mail campaign bombs everyday here in VA...
  21. I usually have one when I watch the Bills. To Puke in...
  22. Is Romney going to have to debate the President and the moderator again?
  23. I, for one, hope that Nix and Gailey stay next year, and the year after that until we have new ownership. That way, I can focus on constructive and meaningfull Sundays with my two small children instead of the clown show that is the Bills...
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