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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. I think he has the top in one catagory: WORST. NICKNAME. EVER!
  2. PFT reporting that it's a 2nd this year, and a 2nd NEXT year too! HOLY CRAP!!!! Did they send a free tube of KY with him?
  3. Sure does look like her to me. Sheesh, she should be embarrassed. Such a lame attempt at a porn vid...
  4. http://blog.sfgate.com/hottopics/2013/02/26/miss-teen-usa-contestant-resigns-after-porn-video-surfaces/ I'll save the "would ya" line... So apparently, the young lady in question grew up in foster care, aged out of the system, turns to porn to make money, then turns her life around and wins Teen USA pageant. Only to have to give up the tiara due to the video, which she claims is not her. Judge (or not) for yourself...
  5. I was actually screaming at the TV, shouting for the Gov to wake up and shiv the twit...
  6. I think the actors are fine, they are just given CRAP to work with. I mean, "You poisoned them agains the governer", really? I actually LOL'ed at that one. They need to figure out how to write for women on this show, nearly all of them are terrible. They have managed to take an awesome character like Michonne and reduce her to a glowering doofus. That is the biggest issue I have so far with the writing. SO MUCH of this show's conflicts could be solved if people had actual, normal, and realistic conversations. Why the hell does everyone have the need to keep thier mouths shut, even in instances where it is in thier best interest to explain?
  7. this show is becoming tedious. I can't tell which one is actually "The Talking Dead"...
  8. Nah. Too old, too expensive...
  9. Here is a little something to keep you up at night. Asteroid 2012DA14 is approximately 50m (160ft) and would explode with the with about the equivalent magnitude of the Tunguska Event. This is easily powerfull enough to reduce a major Earth city to dust. The kicker? It was discovered in late February last year. There would be little anyone could do to prevent such an impact. Can you imagine the panic if this were coming down near Moscow, New York, or London?
  10. you are looking at this all wrong, after all, 5.1 million is a drop in the bucket in the face of the deficit. Cutting this out would not make a huge impact on cutting spending (Romney detractors) NOTE: yes, I am being sarcastic...
  11. ok, that's funny!
  12. haha! He must be getting advice from Tyrone Biggums: "Come one, come all, to Tyrone's 450K crack party"
  13. I actually had to take painkillers to sleep that aches were that bad. Once I stopped throwing up that is. But I was sleepy for three days...
  14. Yup, Richmond. That stuff is going around HARD too. Several of my friends have had it. It is apparently a mutant form from Australia, especially virulant. My wife got it that same night, so both of us were incapacitated at the same time. With a four year old and a nine month old. God, it sucked...
  15. yes, I had it several weeks ago. It was quite literally, the worst I have felt other than the time I got food poisoning from uncooked seafood. I considered going to the hospital. Thankfully, it does not last very long...
  16. sweet Jesus, how did I miss this thread? This is GOLD I tell you, GOLD!!! Thank you kids, I have been most certainly entertained!
  17. Dude. Stop already. Just stop digging. It's ok to be wrong. Really...
  18. They will be finding pieces of it forever. It is impossible to collect all of them, hell, much of it burned up, so they can never find the entire ship...
  19. There are a few pics on the net showing them placing the debris in the silo at the cape. Not sure how to do it on an ipad, but the link below is one of the more famous pics of the debris being placed in the silo. Much of the info I get comes from people either working in the program itself or at the Cape, but if you want to know just about everything about Shuttle, check out NASAspaceflight forums. Those guys are the real deal... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:ChallengerRemains.jpg
  20. And never will. They only recovered about 55% of Challenger as well. He'll, pieces of it still wash up on the beach from time to time. A good bit of Columbia burned up, it was about 120,000 feet when she began final breakup of structural integrity. An interesting factoid on the debris from Challenger is that it is still essentially rotting away inside that old ICBM silo on the cape. The silo is filled likely filled with water and would be nearly impossible to get anything out. Columbia, on the other hand was used for detailed engineering analysis, and is stored in an upper bay of the VAB. It's almost as if NASA is ashamed of Challenger...
  21. Try this one: http://www.avclub.com/articles/pilot,91681/
  22. It was pretty good, i actually enjoyed It? Will definitely be giving it a spot on the DVR. One thing that bothered me: the show primarily takes place in 1981, and I would say Keri Russell and husband are about 40 at most. So the flashback where she gets assaulted by the captain in the trunk is in 1960, which would make her what, 18, 19? But she looks the exact same, that scene could of happened the day before. However, the placement of "Roller" by April Wine totally makes up for it!
  23. at the risk of reviving an old thread, I had a look at my pay stub from January, and compared it to the one from December. My federal taxes actually went down by about 3 bucks. But SS and medicare increased by about 50-60%. So I guess Obama did actually lower my taxes. Crafty...
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