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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. A baby panda weighs nearly 800 times less than it's mother at birth, the largest difference between mother and baby for mammals. Part of the reason that they have so much trouble having babies is that they are very seclusive and solitary. They only group for mating purposes, and the female ususally has only two fertile days every year. Panda twins are very common (perhaps because they are so delicate nature wants to increase the odds on continuing the next generation?) but in nature, the mother can only care for one, so she choses one of the cubs to raise, and leaves the other to die. The elusiveness of the panda, coupled with thier seclusion in only a few remote mountain areas of China is the primary reasone we don't really know how to breed them. It has only been in the last 20 years or so that we have sucessfully been able to raise panda cubs to adulthood. Most of that is done at the Woolong Breeding center in China. Hue Mai is to my knowledge the only US born panda to actually produce cubs herself. This must be confirmed by the head of the panda information society, a man you may be familiar with, Mr. Jacob Rosen, my supervisor...
  2. My area didn't get too much, no major destruction. How close were you to all that damage P?
  3. Neither of em look hot to me. All I can think about is what some poster around here said about them not too long ago...something about Bob Sagot changing thier stevestojantty dipers...ugggg!
  4. I might actually watch an episode of "lost" and see if it is interesting...
  5. Can you post a link to the complete cuts from all teams, if possible. Thanks!
  6. I use the google pop up blocker, the Free AVG for virus control, and Search and Destroy...
  7. There is very little creativity and original music comming out these days. I know a few of the names, but most of them I have never, nor would care to, heard of. The music industry likes to point fingers at file sharing, saying that is the reason for low album sales the last five years or so. Give a listen to what is on the radio and MTV these days. The problem is not file sharing, it is just that there are very few real talented people being signed to record deals these days. Isn't it funny how soundtracks and the music you hear in lots of background situations these days has evolved into rap music? Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy rap in the day, but I agree that most of it is garbage these days. Just plain terrible. I also find it ironic that many of the "hits" these days are nothing more than samples from old songs, and remakes of old classics. I heard some kid the other day talking about the awesome song that some crummy band wrote called "just what I needed". Yes, the one by the CARS. Sigh, I guess I am just old too....
  8. actually those are pretty cool!
  9. Hammer, I need one spot (1 small car), not in the prefered spots, leave those for your regulars. This will be my first tailgate with everyone, so if possible I would like to park in your lot. I will be on time... MadCap
  10. Well that was fast...
  11. The bad news is that there is another storm on the way for this weekend...
  12. It says Iverson is only 6 feet tall. Is that right???
  13. Sweet Fancy Moses! I would do unspeakably filthy things to those young ladies.
  14. Sounds like that guy's got serious issues to me. He basically said that all Olympians are there solely to obtain endorsements.
  15. TheMadCap and TheMooseMan will be there. We are driving up from NC, looking forward to meeting everyone!
  16. Good one! My original retort was going to be: I gave your fax to Neil O'Dummy, but it must have been intercepted. Twice!
  17. Indeed, and I wouldn't want to put my former company in a bind with these people. Mainly, my co-workers and I wanted to laugh at all the crazy stuff you guys can come up with!
  18. These are great, my co-workers and I are really enjoying this....
  19. I am certainly going to send him something, of course. I thought it would be funny to see what all you evil bastards could come up with!
  20. Saw him with Baltimore vs Philly the other night. I didn't realize anyone had picked him up... BTW, he did NOT look good in that game, regardless of the fabulous purple unis!
  21. Ok, I work for a laboratory, and this one particular client has been a pain in the ass the entire time I've worked here. Always sending in stuff for fast turn around, they don't listen to you when you tell them how to prepare or ship samples, B word endlessly about reports, and above all, they are always late paying.... Well the main toady there can't find a report (they ALWAYS lose them, I have to refax constantly) so he sends me the following email... . Here's the best part....my last day is next friday. Technically, there is nothing that anyone can do to me if I send this guy a nice retort. By the way, he's a Steelers fan. So what do you think? What should I send him back??
  22. I like the heading for the photo....Misty May, rear......
  23. All Brown has to do is handoff to Henry.
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