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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. Put me down for one of those as well...
  2. You mean, pull a Jim Mora????
  3. The only problem I have encountered with my optical mouse is the tendency to "spin" when playing first-person shooters on the PC. Other than that, no problems at all.... One further question, I have heard of the so called "blue" light opticals, does it just have a blue lighting effect or have they perfected using blue lasers??
  4. HAHAHHA!!!!
  5. Maybe it's good that I'm not able to watch it this week, from the posts around here, it sounds like I'm not missing anything...
  6. good to see you ICE man! Hope to see you again some time.
  7. You must have taken the group shot later in the evening...
  8. So that's what those two were doing huh? I also, was never asked about raffle tickets, except by Mr. Info about the NE tix.
  9. As I can personally attest. Everyone was so nice to us! I will definitely plan to attend next year too....
  10. Very difficult to sleep last night. Woke right up this morning, and that is a rarity...
  11. Even though Frances missed my area of NC for the most part, my buddy and I drove up to Fredonia yesterday. All was well until we got into N. VA, then the rain started. The sheets of rain did not stop until, we'll it never stopped. Eight hours of complete chaos! The scariest part was the PA turnpike near Pitt, those large semis will absolutely run you over. Visibility about 10 feet the whole time. Also of note, my windshield was replaced on Tuesday afternoon, so that was a big concern. The tape was still on the seals when we left, but they were blasted off during the drive. Nothing like testing out the workmanship of the glass place by subjecting your new windshield to hurricane conditions. But we pulled through with no apparent leaks, although I haven't checked this morning, and the car could be flooded by now. Anyways, we can't wait for the opener this sunday! Hope to see everyone there! We will definitely be in the party mode after last night. Hope no one else was dumb enough to drive in that mess.
  12. Looking forward to meeting EVERYONE since, at this point, I have met NO ONE!
  13. Does anyone else get tired of the cliche "repeat" pick? You would think one year more than two or three columnists would have an original thought. Most irritating...
  14. Has his stevestojan not shown back up yet???
  15. Great idea on the CDs. I have over 200 in the wallet. Hopefully someone will have a nice, loud stereo to play them on. In all seriousness, I will have to get food items once I get to NY, there is no way we can fit it with on the drive from NC.
  16. I am leaving wendsday morning to go to Fredonia.
  17. apparently over a freaking PARKING SPACE! I weep for the future of our race....
  18. Amen to that! I have a three week vacation starting today. Finished my last day at the old job yesterday. After the tailgate, I'll be moving to VA. The best part is that the Devil (Philip Morris, my new employer) is hiring movers, so I pack/move nothing! Have a great vacation NJSue!!!
  19. hopefully stevestojan is somewhere out of the storm's path getting stevestojan faced... This thread would make NO sense to a visitor around here. TBD speak is almost a language all its own!
  20. Only problem with that is my location. The south is a bit lacking on college hockey teams in my area. Let's all hope they get this resolved without too much dead time...
  21. It's going to SUUUUUCKKKK without hockey this year....gives me a BAD case of the red- ass!
  22. Thanks T-Bone, we can always count on you to let us know the results of every Yankees and Red Sox game, on our FOOTBALL board...
  23. wow, it's about time! The Skins have been getting bent over so far, thier D has not looked very good at all....
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