Even though Frances missed my area of NC for the most part, my buddy and I drove up to Fredonia yesterday. All was well until we got into N. VA, then the rain started. The sheets of rain did not stop until, we'll it never stopped. Eight hours of complete chaos! The scariest part was the PA turnpike near Pitt, those large semis will absolutely run you over. Visibility about 10 feet the whole time.
Also of note, my windshield was replaced on Tuesday afternoon, so that was a big concern. The tape was still on the seals when we left, but they were blasted off during the drive. Nothing like testing out the workmanship of the glass place by subjecting your new windshield to hurricane conditions. But we pulled through with no apparent leaks, although I haven't checked this morning, and the car could be flooded by now.
Anyways, we can't wait for the opener this sunday! Hope to see everyone there! We will definitely be in the party mode after last night. Hope no one else was dumb enough to drive in that mess.