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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/05/22/irs-tea-party-oversight-hearing/2350269/ I plead the fif! Plead the fif! one, two, three, four, FIF!
  2. Indeed. I wouldn't even be surprised if this was the spin on MSNBC right now. I told my father in law last time I was at his house that I now realize why he watches that channel. For the comedy. He was offended...
  3. Oh brother! http://www.usatoday....ories=obnetwork I can't imagine this is going to go over too well anywhere else in the world. Just shows the US doesn't have a market on borderline brain damaged politicians. Although, it isn't like they haven't done this before. I am not sure if this is still true today, but not so long ago, there was almost no mention of the atrocities in China perpetrated by the IJA in the early 1930's. Ah well, I guess if we ignore/deny, it'll all go away, right? I may have to read up on this neo nationalist party rising in Japan, I can't see anything bad happening from that. No sir...
  4. uh oh... http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/05/14/irs-gave-progressives-a-pass-tea-party-groups-put-on-hold/2159983/
  5. oh yeah, I forgot my other point in my meaningless, but scientifically oriented, opinion: While it is still unclear how much anthropogenic carbon inputs to the atmosphere are affecting global climate, it is unquestionably in our best interest to limit our inputs to the atmosphere. The trick is to do this without putting to much strain on the economy...
  6. Oh for the love of Jeebus, not this again! But, since this a subject that gets more political argument than scientific, I suppose I'll play along for a very SHORT time: 1.Carbon dioxide WILL and DOES absorb in the infrared portion of the EM spectrum. This is an indisputable fact of the physical and chemical world. 2. There is no way to definitively prove or disprove anthropogenic effect upon atmospheric CO2, simply because we haven't been studying it long enough. 3. We do not have a good understanding of the natural feedback mechanisms for CO2, and do not know their limits, e.g., the role of the oceans as a sink for carbonate. All of this equates to we don’t know if or how much we are affecting the environment. Anyone tells you different, then DC Tom has a nametag for you. Also, you cannot talk about climate change and separate increasing temperature and global cooling, since they are absolutely linked. Google Thermohaline Circulation and learn about the connections between CO2 – Air Temperature – ice formation/melting– salinity – Global weather patterns if you want to have meaningful discussions on this subject. Anything else is just political BS…
  7. Sweet! That means I don't have to watch, spend time, money and emotional coinage on that piss poor excuse for a hockey team next year either! Just like this year when it was finally obvious the front office has no idea what they are doing...
  8. WHOO HOO!!!!!!
  9. what a joke. Check out the people behind her, some are covering thier faces with thier hands, like, "I can't believe she just got up here and said that"...
  10. I admit that I thought I had missed an episode or something. I know MM will do some time jumps and introduce new charcaters as if they have always been there, but I was "WTF" almost the entire episode. WTF was Fat Betty rambling on about to Henry? What kind of pillow talk was that? Beeatch would have gotten a backhand for that. I assume we were watching New Years 1968?
  11. Boasting is the key word, they haven't a prayer of reaching the US mainland. For years yet. They'd be lucky to get one across the bay to Japan...
  12. maybe it's the tail is now going up instead of down? Wonder if someone had a version where it was going in the same direction as the old logo. It would be less jarring of a change, because it would look more like the old logo...
  13. FYI. Netflix added season 5 today! Great news for those who are late comers to this party, and need to catch up before the season 6 premier on April 7th!
  14. Mustang Sally by Wilson Pickett. He has SOOOO many awesome songs, yet every bar band in the world simply must play this song. It's ususally my que to leave. In fact, when people ask me to go see a cover band with them, I ask them if they play this song. If so, then I won't go. I hate it that much... A very close second would be "Play that Funky Music" by Wild Cherry. Just played out, more like...
  15. I think we are talking about two different flags entirely. The Gadsden flag is from the colonial/revolutionary era. Its a coiled snake on a yellow field with "Dont Tread on Me". The current incarnation of the Confederate flag that most people associate with the "rebel flag" or Stars n Bars (incorrectly) is a the classic blue cross/x with white stars on a red field. This was the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia (Square), but a rectangular form (more like the modern version) was used as the Confederate Naval Jack. The first national flag of the Confederacy is more correctly called the "Stars and Bars', and has three stripes (red, white, then red) with a blue field of 13 stars in a circle. This proved confusing on the battle field, so the AoNV adopted the square battle flag (rebel flag). The second flag of the Confederacy was a white flag with a small "rebel flag" in the corner. This didn't work because it was thought it looked too much like a "white flag of surrender" which obviously was unacceptable. The solution was to place a vertical red stripe on the far right hand side of the 2nd flag, and this was refered to as the "blood stained banner". It is all very confusing...
  16. Wilson, NC? I hear you. However, as a side note, most folks mix up the Modern version of the Confederate Navel Jack and the actual National flag of the CSA. The term, "stars n bars" is actually a blue field with 13 circular stars, and three stripes, red, white, and red. It looks enough like the flag of the USA soldiers would get them mixed up, leading to all sorts of problems. What I don't get is Souther folks who insist on flying the Navel Jack and claiming " Southern Heritage". I get that you feel some pride and honor in your ancestry, but why use a symbol that has been, sadly, high jacked by idiots, rednecks, and racists? I'll wager that if you flew the actual Star and Bars, or he'll, even Bonnie Blue Flag, no one would even know what they were, much less give two craps...
  17. I just realized that I am actuall eating popcorn while reading this thread. That is all...
  18. Unlikely. Probably more like 4.3 or so, someone stopped the watch too soon...
  19. My understanding is that the woman who died did not have a DNR policy. However, I am not sure the nurse did anything incorrect?
  20. I can't tell if the episode was really good, or if we are so starved for something other than whining and arguing, that this colored it somehow. Like throwing a starving man a box of saltines. (damn, these are some GOOD f'n crackers!) I am glad that they finally gave Michonne some ability to be more than a mute, glowering, zombie hacker...
  21. T-Dog: "awwww...hell naw"
  22. Assuming they can reach a long term deal with Byrd, can they then remove the franchise tag and then apply it to Levitre or can it only be applied once per year?
  23. I really think the loss of Frank Darabont is a major issue in the pacing and direction of this series. I know lots of hard core fans were quite upset when he was fired...
  24. The report has been ammended to a 2nd this year, and a mid round next year. I assume the final round will be determined by his performance in KC this year. Still WAAAAAYYYY to high, IMO...
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