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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. O, Discordia!
  2. YESSSSSSSS~~~~~~
  3. bout fuggin time GDIT!
  4. all the better to crush your spirit and hope, my dear....
  5. OMG they scored!!!! They scored!!!!!!
  6. willis with a 21 yard gain??? Here comes the followup letdown....
  7. Hahah, and the funniest part is, I knew T80 was cursing his name somewhere...
  8. oh yeah, forgot about that....
  9. not true, he had a four yard scramble on 4th and 13 in the first half....
  10. Nah, not when the shoe is on the other foot. Typical these days....
  11. Good luck....
  12. I can't believe it....that's the worst news all day...
  13. I like the teabag ( ) hanging from her hat....
  14. I'm with you man, the BIlls win this week...count on it....Pray for it..whatever....just win baby!
  15. It's a growing wonder to me that that toolbox still draws breath in the state of NY...
  16. To see the Bills win the superbowl....hmmm....let me think..... I'd steal that ring and kick him in the nutz for good measure
  17. HAHAHAH Great Idea. I am not usually for ridiculing other teams fans, but Pats fans are nearing Eagles fans proportions with respect to thier idiocy..
  18. Detox, you forgot the most important part....... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  19. I remember saying the same thing Kelly. We were at a bar with a bunch of obnoxious Eagirls fans, so no sound. What was the refs excuse for that one? The whistle blew??? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  20. The Bills will beat the Jets....and the Dolphins....
  21. That's the place. I couldn't remember the name...
  22. Don't get Rockpile started on this. He nearly killed a guy, and rightly so, at the Jax game....
  23. His new job probably doesn't allow him as much access as the old one. Or did I miss something?
  24. What a statement the NFL players could make if they ALL decided to wear it against NFL policy. That's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard...
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