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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. What just happened????
  2. Except this time instead of 4th and 4, it was something like 4th and 19...
  3. I'm more afraid of the prevent offense...
  4. Sadly, they look a lot like the Bills Super Bowl teams. Great offense, but the defense will lose them the big games...
  5. I cant believe it. I had to leave the bar at halftime cause my girl was sick!! ARRRGGGG!!!!!
  6. Oh man, Rockpile was soooo mad that day....
  7. Even though my optimism wanes at times, I can't help but pull for the Bills every Sunday. Let's get em! GO BILLS!
  8. Artest is a thug idiot. He deserved to get pummeled by the fans for jumping into the stands like a jackass...
  9. Come on now fellas. Let's try not to let things get out of hand here.
  10. Aww man, I loved the other avatar!
  11. Sure it does. This is the lesson we are taught over and over and over and over again. If you are an athelete, the rules don't apply to you. I agree Steve, it shouldn't be this way. If these guys get anything more than a token suspension and fine, then I will be surprised...
  12. The link wont work for me. Anyone have another?
  13. you forgot.....FUMBLE!!!!! RETURNTED FOR A TD!!!
  14. I'd read it if only to see what he was thinking in the early 3rd quarter of Super Bowl 28.
  15. I think that St Louis does just enough to make sure they DONT get Drew pulled. Unless Bledsoe plays exceptionally bad, MM will leave him in. We'll probably get worked by the Seahaws, and JP starts against the fins at home.
  16. I think he took a MAJOR chance by putting the rook in there with no warning, no practice, and no clue... I am not ragging you FFS, I like your posts. I guess I don't know what the hell Mike stevestojan was thinking...
  17. I could have this place condemned!!!! Best line in the movie....
  18. ah don't take it personal gflande. Tom does that to everyone here. It means he likes you...
  19. Good point that you and others bring up. It seems like they want it both ways.
  20. Wow. There are some heated arguments going on here. Here's my view on the subject... I was not offended by the skit. I don't watch that type of show anyways, and frankly, I didn't even have a clue what the hell that was supposed to be until they showed Terri Hatcher. But I think that it had no place in the football pregame. People keep saying sex sells, but guess what? The don't NEED that kind of thing to sell MNF, if Dennis Miller can't kill the show, nothing will.
  21. They MIGHT get a 40oz and some envelopes for Drew.....MAYBE....
  23. This is the best obituary I have ever read.... http://www.boston.com/sports/football/patr..._great_bledsoe/
  24. I think it was in 2002 when we were 5-3 and the Pats crushed us....
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