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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. That show should be called....."Eat some nasty crap I've never heard of" Factor. There is nothing scary about it, just gross...
  2. Watched the entire first season, the second got kind of boring, haven't seen it since....
  3. You could donate it to the local High school, where it would find it's proper place as the target on the tackling dummy. Or a scarecrow would be nice...
  4. why the hell did this make the paper even?
  5. If you Yardbird guys haven't heard RUSH's cover of Heart full of Soul, you should pick up the EP FEEDBACK. My favorite from that is the Who's THE SEEKER, followed closely by SUMMERTIME BLUES...
  6. Absolutely! That is a kick ass version, even superior to the original. In fact, Darin, you can settle an argument for me. My brother contends the vocals on the original track was Paul Stanley. I think it is Peter Criss, no one croaks em out like him...
  7. The Bills should perform an exorcism on that jersey then burn it to keep the demons away, and strike all occurrences of it from team history. No one should EVER wear that number for the Bills again...
  8. I thought McNeil was #27, but I could (and probably am) wrong...
  9. I think you should let him fend for himself. I give you this quote... "if your stojan is flimsy then your @ss is gonna bend"
  10. I'd have to say the hot chick simply for the fact that we call her that and she needs no other name....
  11. Come on Tom, I know you can do better than that. You were harder on me when I misspelled Intelligent. They go through all the trouble to make the other people look all dirty and sweaty, and that girl's makeup is flawless.... And we don't like hairy Iraqi dude anymore, cause he made hot girl cry. But it is going to be funny watching the brother try and beat him up...
  12. How come the hot girl looks like she just got back from the mall???
  13. If they don't teach the kid how to slide, he won't make it out of the first half in week 1...
  14. Asslee Simpson is "famous" only for the fact that some record producing gorilla somewhere decided to try and hitch her wagon to her sister's. The ususal "try and force feed people crap" thing that ruined the music industry. Why do you think record sales are so bad? Not because of the internet, although that's what the recording industry points to. For the record, I think Jessica Simpson is one of the least intelligent people I've ever had the misfortune to hear speak. Back at UNCW I saw HUNDREDS of girls that looked just as good or better than Jessica who could actually put together coherent thoughts....
  15. Ironically, didn't he get accused of molesting an underage girl at one time?
  16. How many times do I have to tell you Darin, DCTOM is the "Grammer" police around here. Stop stealing his thundar!!
  17. In an english grammer class is where travis' head should be "at"...
  18. I know we are all still pissed about the game and all, and I have tried over and over to get this fixed and am having little success. Maybe some of you techies can help me with this. When I go to a site that displays lots of content, like ESPN or GameSpot, my Java applet crashes my IE browser. I tried updating java, and all my IE security settings are correct as far as I can tell. Yes, I know IE sucks, but I am not going to replace the browser to Mozilla or something else until I can replace my motherboard and processor. Can anyone figure out what the hell is wrong? I updated to SP2, with no success. This is EXTREMELY frustrating...
  19. Is it too early to look forward to the opening week tailgate???
  20. two words..... fifty-two.....seventeen..... THE worst moment EVER!
  21. It was a 23-yard field goal. Of course kick it. You are just supposed to make chip shots like that... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Lindell..
  22. Oh man that was sooooo bad. He NEVER even looked. The QB was already tackled for a first down before he realized the guy had the ball... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  23. Undoubtably, he is usually there for big games, right?
  24. Congratulations on your new little Bills fan...
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