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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. Should be zero. In ususal cases, however, I guess anything is possible at this point...
  2. Could Franklin invent electric generators and keep the entire design in his head without writing it down or drawing it out?
  3. No way! You're joking, right? Right?
  4. In what universe would this be? The defense does not have to PROVE anything, that would be the prosecution...
  5. no, not DC Tom Nicola Tesla would have been 157 today!
  6. I don't give a tin $%& if they pay him 101 million dollars. It ain't my money. I want him on my team. It's not like we are a championship caliber team like when Henry Jones was being difficult in '91...
  7. Not to break up the patented, "right wing gang-bang" but I do find it interesting that if you only follow this case based on what major news sites have posted, you would think that the prosecution is wiping the floor with the defense...
  8. This happens n VA, people have been talking about it nonstop. It's a crazy situation. Actually, she was arrested for striking two officers with her vehicle and evading police. I would be stunned if the charges were not dropped soon. Some more tidbits. The two girls were on their way back from a semi at on violence to women on campus when they saw a bunch of plain clothes officers yelling and screaming at them to get out of the car. I'd have hauled ass too! That being said, why the hell did a bunch of cops swarm these ladies because they thought they bought beer underage? By their reaction you'd have thought they bought skittles and Arizona tea!
  9. Omg, this is what The Nooz showed up to post? Well, some things never change
  10. I'd say at a minimum, this throws her credibility as a witness into serious question...
  11. Some of the comments at the end of that article are beyond idiotic. My favorite is the mouth breather who argues that it is racist that the government has not issued reparations...
  12. oh yeah, thanks for reminding me. Another thing that surprised me, did you notice Jon Peters was involved? I find that interesting based on Kevin Smith's comments about him during the failed "Death of Superman" movie he was writing for him in the 90's.
  13. I must admit, ever since I heard that Man Of Steel was being made, I constantly repeat, "please don't suck, please don't suck" over and over again. Then the reviews came out and alarm bells started ringing, as most of them were not all that good. That being said, I got to see Man of Steel this weekend. This movie most definitely does NOT suck! I am quite pleased with it. I would not really consider myself a fanboy, but I know quite a bit about the character, and I was never a fan of the late 70's and 80's versions with Christopher Reeve. They were just too campy and corny for my taste. Of course, this is completely in character with the comics of the day, but I was more into the John Byrne reboot after the Crisis, which was much, much more appealing to me, and seemed to make more sense for the character. However, at the end of the day, we are speaking about an alien with superpowers, so how much realism are you looking for? I thought Henry Cavil did a fantastic job, he certainly looked and acted the part. The kids playing young Clark were convincing as well. All in all, everyone in this movie was pretty fantastic, and there were no irritating or out of place characters (like cyclops or the kid in "Returns" ) that I could see. Which brings me to Michael Shannon as General Zod. I think he was fine, but no one can ever be as epic as Terrance "KNEEL BEFORE ZOD" Stamp. , I am also not sure why everyone was ripping the movie for being "dark" or too Batman like, I did not get that at all. One thing missing is the dumb humor which I though hurt the other Superman movies. Well, that and the creepy stalker Superman from "Returns". I judge if a movie was good or not based on whether I would be interested in seeing a sequel and this most definitely (unlike Into Darkness, sadly) makes me excited to see what happens next...
  14. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Damn it Draper, you shmuck!
  15. OMG! That lady actually thought Obama gives a tin **** about gay people? In my best P-Bills voice, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAAAA!
  16. oh my good God, this is going to be glorious. I can't wait...
  17. I live in Richmond, capital of the Confederacy, and I NEVER see the "Stars and Bars". Not trying to single you out Bird, but It's a pet peeve of mine when people call the modern version of the Confederate Battle flag/Naval Jack the "Stars and Bars"...
  18. ah yes, must be Red Wedding time?
  19. I refuse to debate music because that is up to the listener as to thier preferences. But I agree with you about Tull. I love Jethro Tull, but saw them live in 1997 opeing for Gov't Mule and they were quite a disappointment. The bad was good, I thought maybe Ian had an off night. Then I saw some special on Audience Network or the like. Good God, but Anderson is awful these days. He doesn't even sing anymore, just kind of a whining squeal. No inflection or fire at all anymore. Contrast that with the footage from the 60's and 70's, you'd never believe they were the same person. Such a same...
  20. No, read John Adam's post (#49) above. Tea Party isn't endorsing them, it is more like they are claiming association with the movement. One huge mistake they made was not making it clear that Bachmann, Palin, etc do not speak for the party...
  21. Except the cheerleader is also a girl! But she's being unfairly prosecuted because, you know. Wonder what would have happened if the 18 year old was a boy? http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/05/21/gay-teen-underage-girlfriend/2347989/
  22. Might want to check a few threads below this one, it's been posted already. Still funny, however!
  23. which is the scariest thing of all about this case. The media goes WAY too far with this kind of thing. Remember poor ol' Richard Jewell? God forbid anything like this happens to me or I get falsly accused of something that Nancy Grace finds interesting...
  24. Regardless of the merits (or lack thereof) of the TSA, the article claims this person was an Anit-TSA activist? And just happened to be filming this incident. Yeah, I call BS...
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