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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. Not 100% on this, but I am told they are several thousand dollars to replace...
  2. I was really disappointed (but not surprised) when Ethan was killed. Wouldn't want to shed any light on anything. And I would not at all be surprised if the Korean dude speaks English...
  3. I remember the big fumble he had at the end of the season against NE which pretty much ensured that the Bills would not make the playoffs that year.... that and the time he was extremely rude to me and my little sister.
  4. Interesting point I noticed last week. The episode where Claire disappeared, Hurley was gathering info on everyone. Ethan claimed his last name was ROM. Hmmmmm, he does seem to be pretty strong.
  5. Now he's stunned.... STUNNED????? Yeah! You stunned him just as he was waking up!
  6. Actually, both are correct. The Doors did NOT change the lyrics as they were asked to do by Sullivan, and the Stones DID change the lyrics. They sang let's spend some TIME together....
  7. I was figuratively speaking of course....
  8. I can't believe this is even news worthy. So freaking what??????
  9. People, People, PEOPLE are you serious?????? As much as it pains me to say it, Tom Brady is the best QB in the league right now. He might not be as gifted as Manning, but all the guy does is win Super Bowls. I'd give my left you know what to have him on the Bills, and so would all of you. If you say you wouldn't, I have to call BS....
  10. On that note, I hear that there were tens of people at the airport to welcome the NFC champions home. A few dozen at most. How sad is that????
  11. The funniest thing to me is that there are loads of Eagles fans with thier panties in a wad because the Pats dared mock the TO Flap move. Calling it "classless". These are the same people who thought it was funny when TO mocked Ray Lewis...
  12. You're probably right, but why should this be so? It's not like that cat was injured or anything.
  13. what the hell are they doing??????
  14. I remember the Hawaiian running back they used to have that would kill us every time we played. Remember Mosi Tiuppu ? (SP?). And my boy Steve Grogan, the ugliest QB ever!
  15. It was at thier house....
  16. The absolute worst day of my life. I was at a party with my girlfriend, who happened to be married to a Cowboys fan. Yeah yeah, well I was only 19 or so at the time, so save the lecture. Anyways, this guy was ragging me all day long, as I was of course the only Bills fan there. I wanted to take the wind out of his sails with a revelation, but then he would probably have taken my life. Ah well, you live and learn.....
  17. Ask ol Theesman how long he had to spoon Vick after the NFCC loss.
  18. http://www.rotten.com/library/bio/religion.../l-ron-hubbard/ Check this out. Truly, no greater man ever lived. The COS is nothing more than a cult with extremely deep pockets, stay well away from them... http://www.rotten.com/library/religion/scientology/ There is lots of cool stuff in this library, however, I strongly discourage looking at the main site for those faint at heart....
  19. ALG is 100% correct on this point. They will sue you and harass you to death if you dare expose them or talk about them in a negative light. It's better not to get involved with them on any level....
  20. Not as cool as them dragging your player off the field when injured. Much better than the current Madden game.
  21. bout time....see ya Emmitt, don't let the door hit ya.....
  22. All I had to read in that article was Scientology and I immediately closed the window. Scientology is a pseudoscience/crack-pot scam designed by none other than Mr. Battlefield Earth himself, L. Ron Hubbard. Basically, when he realized no one was buying his self-help books anymore, he decided to try and bilk people by claiming that it was a legitimate religion. Among other things, some of the highlights of this farce are the ability to turn yourself invisible and to have conversations with aliens. Once you pay a small fortune in fees for Ron's help in obtaining this level of zen. Perhaps it has changed since Hubbard is dead. I would guess not.
  23. When Tasker blocked the punt and we scored right after that. Could have (SHOULD have) turned the fuggin game off then...
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