My main guitar is a 1990 Les Paul Studio which is majorly modified. The finish is the dark wine color others have indicated, but I replaced all the black knobs, plates and such with cream colored. The pickups are EMGs, an 81 and an 85 in reverse Zakk mode, I like playing on the rythem pickup anyway. And I replaced the crappy stock grovers with spurzel locking tuners.
My current strat is a frankenstein, a guy in NC built it from various parts. It's a tobacco burst thin body, with steve ray Texas hot wire pickups. The neck is from a mexican strat. This one sounds great but I have to replace the 5-way toggle.
My newest is a Martin DX-1 acoustic which I love. Plays great, sounds better. I have an old Fender acoustic which has now been regulated to the closet.
My first guitar was a Mako strat knock-off and not really worth having except for the sentimental value. I also used to have a neon green BC Rich Warlock which I sold in 1993.
I play all of this through a new model Fender Twin Reverb. Christ that thing is loud! I don't think it's EVER been up past about 4, even playing live. This replaced the Marshall 100W JCM900 combo I used to have. Using the Les Paul, that thing had some monster crunch!
I am dying to buy this Eric Clapton sig strat at the music store they have here in town. Only 1000 bucks for a like new, used guitar. It sounds awesome!!!!