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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. But he made it ten times worse was my point.... ASS!
  2. Part of my requirements in graduate school was to be a chemistry tutor for general chem and organic. Most of the freshmen chem students understood the chemistry concepts fairly well, but had almost ZERO understanding of algebra. Very sad. I actually tried for almost five minutes to convince this one girl that: 1+ X - X was equal to 1.
  3. I realize we may be splitting hairs here, but molal concentration is a separate entity than the number of ions produced per mole, as molality is defined as moles of solute per kilogram solvent. No matter the number of ions produced by dissociation, the concentration of each remains the same. THe ionic strength of solution would change, but that is a story for another day. If you use sodium sulfate, you would theoretically depress freezing point even further. There are two sodiums per sulfate ion, so "i" is 3.
  4. Just a minor revision to your colligative properties formula SDS. You have to take into account the number of ions produced by the dissolution of the solute, represented by "i". This is usually 2 in the case of table salt, one sodium and one chloride per mole. Sugar doesn't work as well as salt becuase while the crystal lattice dissolved in water, no ionization occurs, therefore "i" remains 1. The revised formula is: Delta T = k * m * i Alternatively, you could just use liquid N2 to cool things down REAL quick like
  5. Even WORSE, and AJ knows this irks me somewhat, is the fact that he changed the musical performance (such as it was) by Sy Snoodles band into the monstrosity on the DVD. And even worse is the deletion of Sebastian Shaw from the spirit image at the end of ROTJ, having been replaced by Hadyen. I reserve the right to retract this last bit after viewing the final film....
  6. Interesting side note: Kershner originally didn't want to direct the movie and had to be convinced by Lucas.
  7. Much as it pains me to say, I wouldn't put Kerry Collins on that list, seeing how he's the Raiders starter at present, and about to be throwing to Moss... I wonder how RJ got left off this list...
  8. I think so too. I can't wait to sit in the theater for this one. Damn George Lucas always gets my money...
  9. Nope, same one.... http://movies.channel.aol.com/feature/starwars/trailer.adp
  10. I had some of that cranked up earlier. What a shame thier guitar player was killed, that boy could play...
  11. No doubt. They played Richmond last Halloween, but I missed it. That Live at the Roseland rocks the house. I actually saw them open up for Jethro Tull a few years back. I like most of the oldies: RUSH, The Beatles, Floyd, Allman Bros, Zeppelin, Jimi, Skynyrd, etc.
  12. The trailer is available on the main site now, so there is no reason for them to demand that it be taken down....
  13. It irritates me when some of these bands do crappy covers of old, crappy songs. I heard a cover of friggin Rick Springfield for christ's sake this weekend. The lack of creativity in today's music makes me want to stop listening to the radio. Oh wait, I did that about five years ago. DMB is somewhat of a mystery to me. I tried to listen to it, the band is not bad at all, but Davie himself just doesn't do it for me. He looks like Forrest Gump up there with the guitar pulled up to his neck dancing like a goon. His voice grates on me as well. That being said, my younger sister, who I converted to things like Led Zeppelin when we were younger, has plans to go to like 5 shows in a row this summer. Spend all that money to see the same friggin show over and over???? I guess I'm a cranky old man who doesn't get it....
  14. No, no, NO! You got it all wrong man. The SOB ALLEGEDLY killed all those people. Don't you know how the game is played?
  15. They must know someone in the government...
  16. A co-worker told me that you can get arrested as a vagrant in the City of Richmond for having less than $13 in one's pocket...
  17. NICE! THANK YOU! And hope springs eternal...
  18. Was anyone able to save a copy? I haven't been able to see it yet...
  19. Site is down. Looks like ol Georgie boy is on top of these things as usual...
  20. And somewhere, upon hearing the news, John Madden excused himself for a little "me" time....
  21. It's a bit hard to confront your accuser when you kill them....
  22. Because they have a right to be here, they weren't born here, and shouldn't have to suffer becuase their gov't won't take care of them and ours will... That was sarcasm....
  23. Raleigh, next to Sam Ashe...
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