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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. I wouldn't mind if they never, ever, ever, ever played another note. I prefer to listen to the stuff they did before 1991....
  2. That's awesome! Funny as all ell. Mind If I quote you on that???
  3. You can make 28 bucks an hour turning bolts if you are in a union??? That's just under what I make, and I have two science degrees, one is a graduate degree. I'm going to shoot my guidance councilor........
  4. I know he got his free and all, but anyone who drives on of these POS gas pigs should be officially listed as a certified moron...
  5. I think your argument assumes that humans are the pinnacle of evolution, which would be inconsistent with the very definition of evolution. Lifeforms are always improving and evolving. I also believe that any state, country, group or person who tries to keep evolution from being taught should just go ahead and secede from modern society. Why is it always religion trying to keep science down? Its been that way for centuries, why stop now, eh?
  6. Since the strike of 1994, I have watched only a handfull of games. I would rather french kiss Woopie Goldberg while she has a mouth full of half-chewed peanuts than subject myself to MLB.
  7. I recently bought a house which at first glance appeared to be in great shape. I learned however, that NO house is without need of repairs. THere is so much to be painted, repaired, fixed that I am not sure where to begin. Go with the one with less work to do...
  8. Jaguars training camp every single time I turn it on? I mean, it's not like it was a one time deal, EVERY day they show this thing.
  9. When I lived in Charlotte, they guy was always running afoul of the law for something or other. Usually drinking, drugs, or beating up on women. Maybe the Dolphins will pick him up...
  10. No problem my friend. I figured I would answer right away and save you from some "others" who seem to get highly offended by repeat posts.
  11. I think this was covered a few months back. It's CGI like the Vick commercial...
  12. Go see the Pandas!!!!
  13. Very promising, IF they can get them to work properly...
  14. Not always. You can be guilty as sin and get off on a technicality, like OJ. Boy, I love fanning the flames.
  15. At some point, you have to put some measure of faith in the justice system. Apparently the jury thought there was enough evidence to convict. Of course mistakes are made, especially given the sheer number of cases. I have no knowledge whatsoever of this case. But if a jury finds someone guilty, then in the eyes of the law, by definition, they are guilty. Maybe life in prison for circumstantial evidence is fair, maybe not.
  16. New episode last week in March, one new episode to follow....
  17. He was convicted in a court of law. He's guilty...
  18. I know, it was a direct quote. Kind of adds to the effect don't you think?
  19. And what is the likely hood of that? See sig line......
  20. I can't see how the small volume of oil we could get from ANWR would help when most of our oil comes from overseas, and we are dependant on the whims of OPEC's prices. Want a better solution? STOP BUYING SUVs.
  21. I'm totally speachless..... EDIT: Don't discuss this with a woman. The little woman and I just got into an argument about this issue...
  22. No anger, just enormous frustration. On the bright side, there was lots of eye candy on that job...
  23. LOL yeah I know. You should check out my new system, 42 inch plasma with surround sound. Getting ready for football season man...
  24. The noise was really scary, I am not sure if it was added for dramatic effect in the trailer only. However, in the new versions of the original trilogy, the dark side of the force has sound associated with it, like when Vader uses force choke or force hurl you can hear a rumbling sound. If you notice, the Emperor starts to physically deteriorate quickly once the "cat is out of the bag", that is, he no longer has to shield his powers so they consume his mortal frame more rapidly.... to answer your questions: 1. Memory wipe for 3PO, there are probably thousands of 3Po driods out there, hard to tell them apart. 2. Most of those who know about Luke's heritage was already dead, and with Luke trapped on a back water world like Tatooine, with Obi Wan to watch him, there was little reason to worry about his name. However, Leia's name was changed so she could remain "annonymous". Perhaps Vader knew that he was going to have a son, but he DEFINTELY didn't realize his wife would have Twins, as evident in ROTJ. 3. Ben was watching him from afar, which is why he knew Luke was in trouble with the Tusken Raiders in the first movie...
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