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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. Ewing = missing link Miller = Ferengi and where is Anthony Mason on this list??? As for football, how about Steve Grogan?
  2. I also nominate Hammer, because he is instrumental in organizing our tailgates. Here's to you brother!
  3. Rosen..... EDIT...OOPS! This was supposed to go on the other thread... How about T-bone, TT, and the rest of the Patriots swine?
  4. Had me rolling! How come baseball players ususally look like girls fighting?
  5. Boat, I think you and I agree on something finally. Oh, that and Buffet music...
  6. Like clockwork! I wondered how long before you added the patented AD smiley on that statement... For the record, I don't have to paint anyone as anything. All I have to do is observe the majority at my place of employment. Fact is, not everyone is like that, but most are. That's the fact. Good thing I have my "purchased" degrees, so when I need a new job, I'll be more competetive than the next guy... This thread needs to die....
  7. Wonder what would happen to folks like me, those who have certain medical conditions requiring lots of meds and frequent trips to the doctors. It always seems I get screwed because I'm "not like the rest" in regard to medical conditions. It always seems like insurance is designed for those who never use it, or need it only when emergencies happen...
  8. I made a copy of it for my father, and he thought the same thing!!
  9. The little woman is making her famous home made chicken soup. Yum!
  10. At the beginning of the movie, they are at Pete's cousin Wash's house, after dinner they are sitting around, and that song is playing on the Pappy O'Danial Flower Hour, and the singer is the same, but the version is a bit different. The song sung by the Klansman is called Death, talking about "won't you spare me over till another year". Also a great tune. About the only one I can't listen too is the Siren Song. The instrumental version of Man of Constant Sorrow on acoustic guitar is awesome, I had to learn it in it's full glory...
  11. I just did a bit of searching on the web about some of the stuff regarding this issue. I must admit, I know very little about this case. I never watch the news. EVER. Why subject myself to all these horrors the media loves to fawn over, when all I want to see is if it is going to rain tomorrow? I must say that I was completely blown away by the sheer malice involved in this case. Just try and get an impartial opinion without an agenda, just like you can never get one on the Isreal-Palastine conflict. Seems to me, the best thing to do would be to ask yourself what would you want if you were in Terri's position?
  12. Been reading 1984 again, haven't you Joe???
  13. One thing that struck me as odd was that many of the versions on the soundtrack are not the same as those in the movie. You are my sunshine is one that I believe is a bit different. I'll fly away is totally different. Just an observation....
  14. My brother thinks I'm insane because I forced him to listen to the soundtrack. Gospel music, and the old time country it spawned are about the only good thing to come out of religion...
  15. what manner of man are you that can summon fire without flint or tinder??? Best avatar ever. oh yeah, Chip sux. I'll try and stay on topic....
  16. Well, I don't feel superior to anyone, thanks for implying that. I am not worried that people make more than me, in a fortune 500 company that goes without saying. WHat irritates me, is the mentality of quotes like that of my sig line, taken from the earlier thread. The point, in case you missed it, is that soon the entire plant could get laid off, simply because of unrealistic demands. It costs too much to do business in VA, we can do it cheaper in NC. The nature of our business has changed, the mentality has not.
  17. Bush on vacation, gee wiz, that NEVER happens....
  18. He fills in for King Turd Rome quite often. I heard someone call him Chip once, seemed to make him really mad...
  19. My current employer seems to be leaning toward putting all manufacturing down in NC where the union is not as strong. I have two science degrees and some guy with a HS eqiv. gets paid more than me over in the plant to play cards in the break room because the lines are running smoothly. They get production bonuses, I don't. In order to keep people from being laid off because we didn't meet our production quota, instead of making the workers actually accountable for it, take a guess at what the Union cried about and got??? They lowered the production quota. Yep, Unions rock! When we move our manufacturing to NC, the Union folks will have only themselves to blame. Not that they will accept any of it, it will be more like that South Park episode...THEY TOOK OUR JOBS!!!!!
  20. But Boat, they have to put money back into the buisness to make it grow, or the buisness will die. Certainly there are some greedy individuals out there, but not ALL the money is going into the owners pocket...
  21. Sorry Johnny C, I did not mean to imply that it was a show of Gong Show quality, mearly that the idea was stolen. That and Star Search. I like Rip Taylor better than that Russell or whoever the @sshole judge dude is...
  22. Actually, it's just a cleverly disguised version of the Gong Show....
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