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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. Did he say what disease he has?
  2. Sure they do. They know that they are all pot smoking, education hating, wackos, akin to the Tea Partiers. At least, that's what the GOP and DNC want you to believe...
  3. I don't care for Chapel Hill particularly, but I really like Asheville. Great place to hang and check out some good music, great scenery. Except for the dirty hippies of course!
  4. There was some poor schlub pulled over next to the Richmond Colisuem this morning, my friend looked at me and said, "must have had skittles"...
  5. So I hear Moral Mondays (lol) in Asheville drew 10,000 people! Forward!
  6. oh God, that is so awful. I can't even begin to imagine what that would be like...
  7. the poor eat junkfood? and drink sodas? So by banning the Big Gulp or whatever, Nanny B is persecuting poor people?
  8. what do you mean, "you people"? Racist!
  9. http://m.theatlanticwire.com/national/2013/08/government-knocking-doors-because-google-searches/67864/ Maybe...
  10. I don't understand why people always use the term "hate" to describe people they dislike or disagree with. Hate implies a personal relationship. I don't approve of the job the President is doing, but I would never say I hate him, because I don't know him. I think people confuse the idea that you can disagree with or dislike the job someone is doing and still assume thy are a decent person. I am quite sure Obama is probably an ok guy who lives his kids, I just don't like him as President. Hang on, someone's at the door...
  11. ok, that was pretty damn funny!
  12. Don't spend much time on PPP do you Blitz?
  13. It's getting unbearable. I am convinced this assault upon the people of NC will soon rival the Siege of Leningrad. Among the outrages perpetrated by the evil GOP as reported today are: The gov. delivers cookies to protestors http://www.nbcnews.com/id/52626192/ns/local_news-raleigh_nc/. Can you imagine the horror? No word yet as to which poison they were laced with. And the most vile insult of all, how did the legislators celebrate all the people they "killed today" you ask? By dancing? Yes! Can you believe it! http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1012036. Oh, the humanity!
  14. Yes, once again agree. Although, my personal preference is more diversified, get some Libertarians in there as well...
  15. agree 100%, but to listen to some of my old friends, the very fabric of the universe is being torn assunder by the GOP. I am a firm believer that you get the kind of government you deserve, and these people were elected to do exactly what they are doing. It's not like any of these things are a bombshell surprise. I just kind of get annoyed that when the Democrats are in power, and people protest thier policies, they are racists, or ignorant, conservative red necks, but in times like these, all you hear is how honerable and noble these protests are, and how they are doing "the will of the people", when in fact, they are doing the opposite. Don't get me wrong, you can protest anything you like, just don't be surprised when you get arrested for doing it, when you transgress the laws...
  16. I am surprised this hasn't come up before now. As you may know, NC elected Pat McCrory-R as Governener, who took office last January. Lately, I have been seeing tons of posts from my more left leaning friends in near hysterics over the "rolling back of the liberal paradise laws" by the GOP controlled government, most of which are based on opinion pieces in the NYT. As a long time (and former) resident of NC, I am wondering what the concensus (lol) is on whether the new governer is ruining NC's liberal dreams? These include: voter ID, education reforms, and abortion legislation. here is a direct quote from one of my old high schooll buddies' sisters, who apparently is unemployed and spends all day protesting with her boyfriend's young son: "Just got back from protesting at Planned Parenthood with (the boy). on the way he asked why we didn't call 911 and just have McCrory arrested"? This has to be one of the most disturbing things I have ever read. What the hell?
  17. Isn't he actually supposed to be farting that rainbow?
  18. nope. not a bit, but I might have read maybe 2 or 3 RS mags in my entire lifetime...
  19. Yeah, but hey, those Republicans really suck, huh?
  20. Ha! You mean the Zimmerman telegram? Still, pretty funny!
  21. I believe his actual quote was, "Marconi is a good man, he's using 22 of my patents"...
  22. I admit I likely submitted to peer pressure on the Einstein ranking. Let's just say Tesla thought he was a hack so that alone makes him suspect. (kidding, Tesla didn't like a lot of people apparently). I'd be interested in a book recommendation about Oppenheimer that isn't written by commies ("American Prometheus") if you have one for me. You should submit your list Tom, would be interesting. Maybe the big kids can have an actual discussion before the adolescents poop all over our thread...
  23. It's not just that the lady was dumb enough not to know she was getting punked, but the fact that someone acutally made a slide with the names, and no one caught the joke during proof reading and just went with it on air is quite unbelievable to me. You mean to tell me there are people out there that don't know the "Cream of Sum Yung Gi" joke?
  24. Really? How bout that? I thought he was dead.
  25. He's number 2. This is fun. We should make a list. I call mine, "top 12 smartest men of science" Nikola Tesla Leonardo de Vinci Sir Issac Newton Galileo Galilei Johannas Kepler Albert Einstein Archimedes Oppenhiemer/Feynmen/Fermi Aristarchus of Samos Heron of Alexandria Ben Franklin Louis Pasteur Ok, I cheated and put three guys together, so what? They were essential for that project. Interested to see yours!
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