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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. It's worth the trip just for those wings my friend...
  2. Just purchased a house in March here in Richmond and I actually enjoy doing everything myself. Of course, the yard we got with the house was in pretty good shape, I am sure I would be much more miserable if it was a complete disaster. I agree with Rich, I enjoy digging in the dirt after a day of mixing chemicals. This is my first yard, so my goal this year is not to kill the grass! Our current project is tearing up the former tenant's bark bed used for the kid's playhouse, and converting a portion of it into a veggie garder. Fun stuff!
  3. Well, I just moved to Va, but I can tell you that if real estate is anything like it is here in Richmond, you better come packing lots of dough! It is a really nice place to live, too many Redskins fans, but still pretty cool...
  4. I don't think anyone knew we had ticket girls there. I gots one I could bring I suppose. I'll definitely bring the CD collection again. That Live RUSH was killer....
  5. What does it do, nibble your bum????
  6. well I did something wrong, it said 90.6 years, and there is no way in hell that's happening.
  7. THANK YOU! I have been harping on this point to others for a while now. I read a book called Holy Grail, Holy Blood or something like it about 15 years ago that is essentially the same book....
  8. And also some Dolphins dipers to sh-- in.... Congrats!!!!
  9. I think it possible to argue that war is part of our genetic makeup. We evolved into what we are because our ancestors were successful at out competing our rivals. I think it is impossible for humans to get along without fighting with one another. It is probably never going to go away...
  10. What people don't seem to realize is that if you sue the school for the actions of one nuckle-head, it hurts EVERYONE. No one should be able to sue the school system for all kinds of money over being thrown out of school, or insulted or whatever nonsense people sue the school for these days. Insurance prices for the school goes up, that means you taxes go up too. If we are going to sue everyone, maybe we should instill the nominal concept that Mr. LA keeps alluding too....personal accountibility. Have the girl's parents sue the teacher, not the school, what the hell did they have to do with it anyways.... On second thought, yeah, they probably do realize it, it's just that everyone has thier hand out and could care less about the wellfare of anyone else. Come on US government, hurry up with that superflu, I can't take it anymore..... PS I have not checked for spelling errors in this post. I have yard work to do, which I go to do now....
  11. Because 85% of the planes used these days were built in the 1970's.....
  12. Sorry, forgot the Sarcasm button....
  13. Very sad. You and your family are in our prayers.... Rock, how did you know that this is what I want them to play at MY service???
  14. Do you really need an answer to that??? Think about it man. Jewish people own this country. Them and the asians...
  15. That and unplug them from the TC and video games and actually make them go outside....
  16. That was the best part, he had those stupid smiles down pat....
  17. Ok, I have to admit. I have NO idea who Ron Mexico is. Can someone fill me in?
  18. A personal story.... When I was about 11, I was on the local football team organized by the community. Those of you who have met me know that I am by no means pysically intimidating (the Pipe-cleaner man is what I call myself now) but there was an assistant coach who's son was about the same size as me. He was the 2nd string QB, and boy did he suck! I had a stronger arm and more QB sense, but never even got any reps in practice. Anyways, this guy knows I want his job, so on one play I got in the backfield from LB position and pounded him. He got all pissed and told his dad that I grabbed his facemask, which I didn't. When I got to the sidelines after the play, expecting to be congratulated for the sack, this guy, a GROWN man, grabbed my facemask and nearly pulled my head off. He was yelling and screaming, "SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT, I'LL TEACH YOU NOT TO GRAB THE FACEMASK YOU LITTLE PUNK". Again, I was all of 11 years old and about 85 pounds. I was so upset that I told my father about it. I remember he got really quiet and made sure that he had a few words with this guy after the next practice. My father is a big guy, 6'1" and about 290 pounds (what the hell happened to me then). He never told me what he said to the guy, but that coach never spoke another single word to me after that. I only played one season of football...
  19. I saw a bit on the Daily Show I believe, where they were advocating Cookie changing his name to the Tomato Monster to encourage kids to eat healthier. I knew it was only a matter of time until someone took it to heart...
  20. while also supplying the voice of Galvatron...
  21. First thing I thought of when Boone died was the line from Wrath of Khan: "this death takes place in the shadow of new life"... This show rocks!
  22. as soon as I get my burner back, I can make you a copy Jeff. I have some wav files of the transformers that I will post links to after LOST....
  23. That movie ruined the transformers as a franchise. You don't kill off all the favorite characters and expect kids to just care about new ones just like that. The other factor is that the original toys were built solid, mostly metal based. Then they started putting out toys in 100% plastic....
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