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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. You know me too well my friend. Some of the changes have been good, as many will agree. Some were a bit much, like the placing of the young Anakin. I don't mind so much that they changed the actor, but it seemed uneccesary. I liked it better when they showed the older Anakin because that is what he looked like when he died, and it made more sense. If he was going to change stuff around, why not paste in Ewan MacGregor over Sir Alec??? I think this movie is going to be great. I really think that this is the one we have been waiting all this time for. No SW movie is going to be perfect, there are too many critics, myself included. As long as I leave that theater excited and pleased, all will be right in the universe. Until the TV show comes out....
  2. He's probably just busy spending upwards of 35 million dollars. The viewers out there in TV land are extremely fickle, I wonder if they tune out by the time he finally gets his stojan together...
  3. Actually, I thought that was the dumbest thing Lucas has done outside of Jar Jar, but that is just me...
  4. Happy Birthday gentlemen
  5. Cause he was old and couldn't see, couldn't pass, couldn't run, etc...
  6. Look at the monkey. Look at the silly monkey....
  7. Can't wait for the new BANG cartoon mocking this clown and his agents.... I'm a F*&%$ injured solder....
  8. I have had it here in Richmond for about four months and have had nothing but problems. First they hooked up my service with the Premium package instead of the basic one I ordered. So I finally got through to them to fix it, they disconnected my free three months of HBO. So I called back. Three days later when I finally got through (this is not an exaggeration) the idiot lady claimed they couldn't re-connect it, but would give me Starz for $5 a month for three months. I went nuts. I said, "sorry but I have to call your BS on this one, you're telling me you couldn't reconnect it if I ORDERED that package?". Long story short, they reconnected it for me. So all was good, right? WRONG!!!! Next bill comes, it gives me a credit for HBO/ST package, and right under it charges me for it. The exact same price! So I called back and canceled it, I was tired of screwing around with it. In the end, I didn't get my free three months, but it was better then getting screwed later when I wanted it disconnected. BTW, if you ever want to get rid of that TIVO, let me know, I live in Richmond, I can be there in 20 minutes.
  9. What an idiot! I can't believe that guy didn't kill himself with that spearjob!
  10. True indeed. Although, as the following states, it is unclear how his untimely death will affect the screenplay: http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?d=hp&cf=prev&id=1808404419
  11. I agree AJ, he looked like a little kid out there running around. It was kind of funny. But he sure did look fast....
  12. YIKES! Seriously, I do think that this is totally media created . Look at today's headlines, and this "story" is STILL there. As others have posted, people disappear for real every day. All this seems likely to do is complicate getting help to those who actually DO get kidnapped. That being said, I am not sure if the woman in this instance is totally to blame for the non-story, media sensationalism. She showed poor judgement and immaturity, this clearly can not be argued, but I don't think it is necessarily her fault the media jumped all over this bandwagon.
  13. Ditto....
  14. and everyone gets gold stars!!!!!!
  15. but, but ,but....Super Nanny says that that will damage the child's development and self esteem...
  16. Ironically, the king reminds me of an abomination we have here in Richmond called the Mattress King....
  17. As I recall, the guy who did the beating was Preston something. Sumner never fully recovered from the beating...
  18. Perhaps I am in the minority, but I saw them in uptown Charlotte in summer of 2000, and they stunk up the joint. People were booing, I remember Chris Robinson getting all pissed about it. Maybe too many drugs at the end there, I was very disappointed. They sounded like crap. I would give them a second chance though, I like the band. I think they are coming to Richmond soon...
  19. HA! I think this is a great idear. Who will we nominate to administor the test???
  20. Has anyone seen that Super Nanny show? My girlfriend was watching this trash last night and I can honestly say that I was so pissed after listening to it, that I couldn't sleep for an hour. The nanny was saying that you shouldn't raise your voice at the children because it makes them defensive and hurts thier feelings. You should respect your children if you want them to respect you. Since when was is necessary for your parents to respect you to earn your respect for them??? What the hell is going on???? The worst was the two little brats wouldn't go to bed, and kept getting up. The nanny told the mother to just go put her back and don't say anything. The kid got up like 12 times. Later in the show, the nanny mentioned that the mother was making progress because the kid only got up three times in one night. At which point I added, "OR, you could spank the brat's @ss once really good, and end the problem". I seriously don't know if I can have children now. I hear that is is illegal to spank your kid? Is this true????? Can they actually arrest you for this? I know my sister tried that on my father once. Suffice it to say, she never used that defense again.
  21. I liked Sin City, very enjoyable, especially the T & A. I can't see how Amittyville can be any good. A schitty remake of a schitty movie with a schitty story = waste of $$$$....
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