I believe that some folks got thier PC panties in a wad because they claim Jar Jar is a sterotype of black people. And Watto was supposedly a Jewish stereotype. Whatever...
All in all, I love all the Star Wars movies, even Eps I and II. But yeah, there are a few things that irk me. I get what you say about the "messiah" syndrome, that was a bit much, but the worst thing was the attempt to actually explain how the force works with the Midichlorians. I thought it was much better the way Obi-Wan explained it in Star Wars, it gave it a much more mystic, spiritual source. But, as AJ points out, they are His movies and He can do whatever He wants. I am just thankful that Lucas was able to think up the idea in the first place.
Saying that, I would be very happy if Lucas let some other people write a SW story, maybe for the tv show. There is some pretty good expanded universe stuff out there, they have shown that not only Lucas can come up with a good SW idea. Of particular interest, there was a series of comics that came out in the mid 1990's from Dark Horse, the Tales of the Jedi that were really good. Went back a few thousand years and showed some stuff about the Sith Wars and how they were driven out from the republic. In fact, not many know this, but it was actually there that Lucas took the idea for Darth Maul's saber staff...