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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. Good job Danny boy!!!!!!! Kind of like when someone, I can't remember which talking head it was, made the statement "they probaly already have enough evidence to convict him", in reference to poor Richard Jewle.
  2. Refresh me on this please....
  3. Figures they'd be POed at the teacher. I say the little d!ickhead probably deserved it. And people wonder why education in our country is lacking. It's like giving the police water pistols and asking them to keep the peace. We've taken all the authority from the administrators. Reminds me of a quote I heard in some movie, "It's the same as complaining about the weather, when they are the ones who make the weather. They then stand in the rain and say, "sh--, it's raining".
  4. Luckily, my girl is a big football fan. I just have to hook up a reciever for her to watch the Eagles.
  5. If you work for DTV, then tell me how I can activate my Audio 2 input on the direct TV reciever. I am going into the DTV reciever from the XBOX on video/audio 2, and from the reciever to the surround sound box using audio/video 1. The video works fine, I fiugured out that you activate video 2 by turning the power off to the DTV box, but no audio. I also have a plasma monitor which has no tuner, so it's not a matter of changing the setup on that. Any suggestions?
  6. Unbelievable. It's almost like that guy was saying, "it's not our responsibility to take care of our citizens, why are you hating like this". Quite laughable...
  7. It is never easy losing a good friend. My condolences to you....
  8. Hoarding and price guaging eh, you Capitalist Pig! Oh sorry, wrong forum...
  9. He probably should not have said those things in the way he said them. But ignorant? No, I think that literally, he was NOT ignorant, seeing how he gave legitimate reasons for his comments. But I do agree that "leaders" should be a tad more diplomatic in these circumstances...
  10. Sorry man, I put that one on Marv's head. It is the coach's job to motivate and get his players into the game. I remember seeing a shot of Marv on the sidelines after that play and he was just standing there looking glum. Maybe he should have calmed TT down a bit, told him to keep his head...
  11. All great empires must fall, ususally by erosion from the inside. Our society is likely no different...
  12. I think it more likely that this type of thing has always been happening, and the media is just getting better at reporting it, we hear about it more often these days, hence, we become more desensitized to it....
  13. AWK...Halliburton!....Halliburton!....AWK!!!!!
  14. The chosen one is hemorrhaging....
  15. Most likely correct. Occam's razor.....
  16. My roomate's girlfriend did that a few years ago. She said it was no joke, the base camp is higher than people realize. Her father didn't make it and had to be airlifted back down.
  17. Antwan Jamison went to my HS, but a few years after him. My sister went there when he was playing ball at Providence High in Charlotte...
  18. I'll take it to the tailgate for you Joe. PM me....
  19. No way, terrified of hights.....
  20. A little something something that came to mind while reading this thread. For your reading pleasure: 1 In the beginning Man created God; and in the image of Man created he him. 2 And Man gave unto God a multitude of names,that he might be Lord of all the earth when it was suited to Man 3 And on the seven millionth day Man rested and did lean heavily on his God and saw that it was good. 4 And Man formed Aqualung of the dust of the ground, and a host of others likened unto his kind. 5 And these lesser men were cast into the void; And some were burned, and some were put apart from their kind. 6 And Man became the God that he had created and with his miracles did rule over all the earth. 7 But as all these things came to pass, the Spirit that did cause man to create his God lived on within all men: even within Aqualung. 8 And man saw it not. 9 But for Christ's sake he'd better start looking.
  21. Kansas should just go ahead and seceed from the union (and reality) if they are not going to come out of the dark ages....
  22. I believe that some folks got thier PC panties in a wad because they claim Jar Jar is a sterotype of black people. And Watto was supposedly a Jewish stereotype. Whatever... All in all, I love all the Star Wars movies, even Eps I and II. But yeah, there are a few things that irk me. I get what you say about the "messiah" syndrome, that was a bit much, but the worst thing was the attempt to actually explain how the force works with the Midichlorians. I thought it was much better the way Obi-Wan explained it in Star Wars, it gave it a much more mystic, spiritual source. But, as AJ points out, they are His movies and He can do whatever He wants. I am just thankful that Lucas was able to think up the idea in the first place. Saying that, I would be very happy if Lucas let some other people write a SW story, maybe for the tv show. There is some pretty good expanded universe stuff out there, they have shown that not only Lucas can come up with a good SW idea. Of particular interest, there was a series of comics that came out in the mid 1990's from Dark Horse, the Tales of the Jedi that were really good. Went back a few thousand years and showed some stuff about the Sith Wars and how they were driven out from the republic. In fact, not many know this, but it was actually there that Lucas took the idea for Darth Maul's saber staff...
  23. As of the current time. I suppose it assumes you were born at 12:00:00 AM on whatever day you entered.
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