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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. Is this a remake of the Stephen King story? About the vampire who flys around in an airplane???
  2. He told you if you read on you would be disappointed. I rather liked it. It was a much more interesting ending than "the world was righted, and they all lived happily ever after"....
  3. Pretty funny stuff man. I suspect you will enjoy it very much, I know how you feel about said stupid, spoiled whore...
  4. Ironically, Paris got exactly what she deserved. A knob right in her pudgy, butter-face! I also thought the southpark episode with Paris was pretty funny...
  5. Actually, I abhor Paris Hilton, the so called "reality" TV, American Idol, and watching the news. I just thought it was a funny comment.
  6. oh well, I am legally blind...
  7. Kind of thought that when they got the baby back. I believe that was a blond boy approx 16 who through the moltov at the raft...
  8. Don't let Michael Crook find out about this....
  9. That was pretty much my point too...
  10. The article says that detainees CLAIM abuse. That's a new one, haven't heard that before. Where is the FBI report that alleges Iraq is sunny and sandy???
  11. It doesn't matter what her face looks like when it's pushed down in the mattress...
  12. Here's a quote from that article: "Guantanamo has become the gulag of our time," Amnesty Secretary General Irene Khan said as the London-based group issued a 308-page annual report that accused the United States of shirking its responsibility to set the bar for human rights protections. The use of the term gulag refers to the extensive system of prison camps in the former Soviet Union, many in remote regions of Siberia and specifically designed to hold political prisoners. The Soviets took over the system from the czarist government and expanded it after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Untold thousands of prisoners of the so-called gulags died from hunger, cold, harsh treatment and overwork. Yeah, that's an accurate comparison there. Good job Irene....
  13. Yup, bad things happen every day. Does it suck? Yes. But this is a war. If, by some remote chance, hooking a guy's nutz up to a car battery can prevent another attack that will kill thousands, I got two things to say: 1. Red is positive 2. Black is negative I wish no one would have to be tortured or killed. I wish the world was a happy, safe place to live and experience. But it isn't. There are people out there that will cut your friggin head off just because of where you come from. I, for one, am going to give the US (and UK) military a bit of slack here to do what they have to to keep us all a bit safer. I don't think any reasonable person would deny the possibility that people in power might abuse a prisoner. But I also think that they are in the minority here.
  14. It's a real site. What is shocking is that someone hasn't tracked the guy down and beat him to death over it...
  15. sigh....another thread down the tubes...
  16. Yeah, like that commerical was going to get airtime
  17. This is also pretty cool for us scientific types. The number 41 is the largest prime number that begins a quadratic sequence consisting of other primes. Like this: Begin at the number 41 Add 2 to it to get 43 Add 4 to get to 47 Add 6 to get to 53 Add 8 to get to 61 and so on until you get to the fortieth number in the sequence, 1,601. Every number is a prime. Pretty cool. The sequence can be generated by a quadratic equation, hence the name. Consider: f(N) = N^2 – N + 41, where N is any integer between 0 and 40. Even cooler, consider the following: F(N) = N^2 – 81N +1681, where N is any integer between 1 and 80. This starts at the tail of the previous equation [ f(1) = 1,601 ], then proceeds through the sequence in descending order. It reversed direction at f(40) = f (41) = 41, then generates the array in increasing order again! Anyone know if this has a name?
  18. Some of his cartoons are pretty funny, others, that one included are just rubbish...
  19. I'm sure we will all be bombarded with commercials for the new product 24 hours a day on ESPN and network channels. Just another thing for parents to explain to their kiddies....
  20. They're probably trying to find a connection ( or make one up) as we speak. It's not news if it's not bad news about the US...
  21. They cut quite a bit out. I don't remember seeing Mon Mothma at all...
  22. Actually the rumor (which was never refuted by the actress herself) is that during Empire filming, she was so high on Marijuana that she couldn't remember her lines. Watch the scene where the Falcon is hiding out in the space slug cave, the part where the cave moves and Leia is thrown into Solo. The part where she is saying "Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited" you can clearly see Harrison Ford mouthing her lines to her....
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