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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. You misunderstand. I mean it's top 6 all time for me: 1. 2112 2. Moving Pics 3. Hemispheres 4. Permanant Waves 5. A Farewell To Kings 6. Clockwork Angels For those still playing along, Clockwork Angels BluRay comes out November 19th!
  2. He definitely would have killed Jesse if he'd been a partner. You could see how upset he was with Jesse's physical and emotional state at the end. More fantastic acting from Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston. I can't believe no one has mentioned how awesome the use of Badfinger's "Baby Blue" was as Walt fades away. One of my favorite songs! I haven't been that excited to hear a piece of music on TV ever, although the use of April Wine's "Roller" on The Americans was close. I hear that downloads are up 9000% since Sunday. Too bad the important players aren't around to get some recognition...
  3. One of the things that drive Walter White was recognition for the things he accomplished. Although the fact that his money will likely get to his kids seems like a victory, the family will never know it was him. He will go down vilified and hated by everyone, not exactly a victory. But one that Walt seemed ok with at the end. I'm ok with it too...
  4. One thing I don't get about Jerry Sunshine's column, that last statement above, if the Bills had given Byrd a top 5 deal, he would have signed. I bought they did hat and he wanted to be THE top paid safety? Is this not the case?
  5. It's been a while since I've seen them, hope they swi through Richmond again soon...
  6. Seems like more and more media types are willing to use him as the butt end of the jokes these days. Wonder why...
  7. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2013/09/27/obama-government-shutdown-congress-statement-sept-27-touhani/2884413/ It's cool though. Obama "scolded" the GOP about it being thier fault again!
  8. Try the latest one, Clockwork Angels. I am like you mostly, as you pretty much described me to a Tee with your post. However, I have to say that CA is probably top 6 all time favorite Rush albums. It's THAT good...
  9. Not at all. Have you any idea the cost for fielding a team, teh design work, building two boats, and racing for three years to get to the Cup finals? There is a reason that only very, very rich individuals take part in these things... NZ and the US have a long, LONG history in America's Cup lore actually. Let's see, there was the whole Dennis Conner "they're cheating" with the glass boat in 1987, after which he beat them 4-1 when they had lost 1 race the entire challenger series (I believe Kiwi Magic was 33-1 or some other ridiculous win% through 3 round robins, losing only to Stars and Stripes by like 1 second). Then the big boat challenge in 1988 where the US raced them in the catamaran. They could have litterally sailed circles around them and still won. One of the darkest days in AC history, IMO. In 1992, the Kiwis were smoking Conner's team with NZL-20, until Conner raised yet another cheating claim against thier bowsprit, causing them to have to modify thier boat on the fly. They then got wiped. And this year, guess who is Team Oracle CEO of sailing operations? None other than the Golden Boy himself, Russell Coutts, the man who finally brought the Cup to NZ in dominating fashion in 1995 at the helm of Black Magic. Talk about kicking them in the stones! About the only thing that would have hurt worse is if Sir Peter Blake rose from the dead to start his own US team...
  10. The only hesitation would be the pause I need to kick their ass...
  11. Real scientists snicker at Popular Science...
  12. No advantage. Straight up sailing. This is highly improbable, and the first time since America3 in 1992 that the US has had a successful defense!
  13. Yup, really is a pretty decent season. With the exception of the "baby is missing" and the "trial" episodes, I found each one to be rather good. I am hopeful there will be a S4.
  14. Goddamnit! Why that same ****ty sideline route again!
  15. I've seen what's on Netflix, but unfortunately, unlike most shows, Netflix has not out the previous season on yet...
  16. That's not bad at all! In that same vein, check out "the Shinning Trailer, Happy"
  17. Not according to the POTUS. Remember the speech about how we are "arrogant" during the "World Apology Tour" in 2009?
  18. One thing I noticed while watching, I don't think we ran on 3rd and short the entire game...
  19. This is like guys taking turns smacking a pinata. Very amusing!
  20. Not in the workplace. To do so is quite sexist, I am sorry to say...
  21. you should poll the posters Cat...
  22. what the holy hell are you talking about? You think he's actually standing up to Putin?
  23. OMG! So now we get to hear about what a great Leader the Rodeo Clown in office is because RUSSIA bailed his big mouth out? And sadly, you are right, the media and the democrats will eat this crap up smiling!
  24. yeah, I am not sure what the point of the Swede segments are. We know he's a loony, I don't see the point in updating his exploits, it just don't fit the narrative. The last two episodes were a bit of a drag for me, they are getting away from waht has been working this season, which is, the building of the railroad. I am not sure at this point we need more character development episodes. However, looks like next week we get a cholera outbreak. Hope is not lost for a 4th season, I hear the viewership for this season is actually doing quite well...
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