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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. I never really liked Leonard all that much, too much flash and not enough substance, as I recall. It really irked me that he "beat" Hagler by hitting him ineffectually on the arms. I did, however, really like Duran, cause he was just a big, mean, sumbitch. One thing that I didn't consider was the effect "no mas" had on Leonard. I can see how unfair it was that he did actually have a pretty effective plan to beat Duran, only to have him quit, and everyone wanted to say he quit rather than Leonard MADE him quit. I found myself hat nag some sympathy for Leonard, and wished Duran would just own up to it, and say he was so frustrated, he quit, and stop the BS excuses...
  2. Or even Hagler-Hearns? My god, what a fight!
  3. We are arguing different things here guys. I KNOW the rule, apparently not all NFL refs know the rule, because they call TDs on occasion when the receiver is in the end zone and the ball doesn't break the plane. They are incorrectly calling TD. It happens...
  4. I've got a better chance at a three way with Natalie Portman and Olivia Wylde than the bills winning 11 or 12 games this year...
  5. No, it's correct. They did call it a touchdown. You (and I) can argue it was the incorrect call, but they DID call it a touchdown and the ball was literally a yard from breaking the plane...
  6. I too, thought that was the rule, but they call it a TD when just your feet are in. The Hines Ward play I refer to was the best example I have seen...
  7. Thanks! Exactly the response I expected from you, which is why I specifically didn't ask you. Riviting content, as always, Gator...
  8. Can someone (not Gator) summarize the reasons why GOP is getting most of the rap on this shutdown? Other than trying to delay implementation of ACA as a condition of negotiations...
  9. doesent matter. A few years ago, Hines Ward caught a "TD" at the goal line where the ball never got close to the line, but his feet were in, and they counted it...
  10. Those evil Republicans! If they would just fall in line, everything would be great!
  11. This has to be a phenomenon of Obama's Presidency. I don't recall the media blatantly cheerleading for Clinton. One hopes they'll go back to being even marginally level in their shilling in 2016...
  12. you need a new schtick p-Gator-dave, or whoever you are. Time for a new screen name...
  13. According to the recent reports, the toddler has no brain activity, and mom wants to remove life support if things don't change quickly...
  14. LOL! Nice! although with your Tim the Enchanter, I shouldn't be surprised!
  15. When Wilson buys the extra tickets, doesn't he usually give them away to underprivaledged kids? That's pretty cool!
  16. Pretty cool, I must admit. Not sure it's worth 225 bucks though...
  17. I like Carpenter, he's done well so far. My friend and I have been refering to him as THOR!!!
  18. Has anyone ever actually tried to get the gov to STOP sending you disability checks? It's quite hard, I had to call them and call them over a period of about six months, each time telling them, I don't need this, I am back at work...
  19. Yeah, that was, what? They better hope AMC picks up a season 4 or that will go down a one of the most bizarre finales ever. Things I liked: the Swede and Bohannon together again, the tension was great! Bohannon's hot teen wife back again; the fact that Bohanno is a murder, but is not without honor, and. Hose to marry the girl he busted up, I also loved his interaction with his new father-in-law; Bendix straight up busting a cap in the tuba player and no one seemed to care, Things I hated: a grizzly bear, really? Elam getting not a scratch in a dust up with five Indian warriors; Eva wandering around moaning about Elam being dead, the missed opportunity to develop the hotel lady a bit more...
  20. Actually. Obama said if he was the owner he'd think about changing it. Can't even make a decision on a hypothetical question, what chance do we have that he can lead us to anything else...
  21. Amusing. I'd love to see her debate Gatordude. Sign her up for the PPP bracket!
  22. Because they don't give a flying $%^&* about the Constitution. They haven't passed a budget in years...
  23. This looks alot like my employer's plan as well. For as long as they cover it...
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