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Everything posted by jarthur31

  1. This is outrageous! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: WTF is so wrong about honoring brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice? Geezus !@#$en Crust!!!!! The NFL is probably in bed with those oil-whoring, sand crawling, camel-fellaters!!!
  2. LOL, DB is alread efficient. He hasn't been throwing stupid picks this year. His receivers haven't been catching all the passes. The line refuses to block for him.
  3. What's with the insane irrationality to hurry JP to field and have him killed? I thought he was our future? Besides, it's been known that he can't take a lick.
  4. I have no idea why they made Reed the split end. He has no speed! He should stick to the Z.
  5. I can understand why they're trying to get him involved at tackle. Lord knows we need all the help we can get. He may must just pan out.
  6. How is what he said untrue? Logic and rationale please!
  7. Cummalitively, more than half of the pro sports stars out there !@#$ around on their wives at least once. It's a proven fact! The truly saintly out there, are declared or thought of as weirdos. LOL.
  8. Ummm, hello! How many other GM's passed on him? Why did you just single out Polian?!
  9. Don't forget the D-line! Those teams always make the playoffs unless something freakisly bad happens to them.
  10. I hear Presidential blackmail can buy you a small island in the Pacific. Shhhh..........
  11. Maybe that's cuz the line still needs to be addressed. Thankfully, not all Bill's fans are dumb and blame only ONE player! LOL. Lots of blame to go around. If I were the D, I'd be pretty pissed at the way the O has been shatting on it all. But they deserve the loss just as much in Week 1 when they allowed THREE straight 4th down conversions!!! LOL.
  12. OMFG! That had me on the floor for a couple of minutes there!
  13. I voted YES! Give the kids a minute or two to pray silently. This God-less society will be the death of us all!
  14. Sorry, Steve but if Rose had confessed, he'd be in the HOF by now. He knows what he did and why he remains defiant, is beyond reason and logic. The fans will most definitely forgive him if he shows remorse! After all, he didn't rape or kill anybody! What he did was bad but not damnable in the Eyes of a Higher Power.
  15. I agree with you here! The bottom line is the game is won in the trenches and both sides have shown little to make this team a winner! No pressure on the QB, no push on the running game and no pass protection to speak of. Receivers dropping easy passes left and right! Fumbling in the red zone! We have been giving games away and we will continue to do so until this team develops a heart. To blame it on one person is totally assinine, however!
  16. LMAO!!! No one brings up the #1 defense back in 1999 either! Subjective blindness will not win you many arguments.
  17. I saw several games today and I'm even more pissed our line is a bunch of pussies! I'd rather have Ellen DeGeneres and her butch friends block for us. Wow, that's sad.
  18. Sue, their defense is atrocious! They have done nothing to improve personnel on this side of the ball. A coach can't fix qualilty here. If they can't execute a system, they won't amount to much. Fundamentals are sorely lacking in this unit.
  19. LMAO, and here I was actually worrying about crappy matchups on Monday nite football!
  20. LOL! Losing to two crappy teams is a wake-up call! I don't see how we get on a roll not that we have better teams coming our way.
  21. Wow, their line must've been "offensive"!
  22. What about implied verbal consent?
  23. I thought polyps were found only in the intestinal tract?
  24. Wow, you'd think that this patch would automatically create a restore point BEFORE updating it's crappy self. It does with other "updates". LOL.
  25. T-Bone? Bitter aren't we? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
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