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Everything posted by jarthur31

  1. No mention of dropped passes, piss poor blocking from the line, 4th quarter collapses from the D when it has the lead confirms that Joey T is an idiot who needs the plugged pulled ASAP!
  2. After it loads, click on play. Comic relief is needed tonite!
  3. That is disturbing but you guys need to realize he just only getting into game shape now. Yes, most athletes have to build strength/stamina through the use of their legs. He is still unsure about that knee.
  4. That's why you don't lip it live!
  5. A brand new O-line would be nice.
  6. LMAO, so true! I've seen that too here from alot of folks. I have no clue how a change at QB somehow improves catching the ball. JP or Shane won't always hit the receivers between the numbers but you can bet the haters won't bring that up either.
  7. Only if we could bench the entire line as well! Until you include that option, I won't vote.
  8. Our D is taking a shat on the team now. The Ravens have no O and have proven it so far all year. We made them look good, particularly on runs! Wow. They should close KFC in every city we visit on the road. Once again, Pat and Sam were nowhere on the field.
  9. But not behind this line. He won't last long. He's proven to be fragile on a soft hit. Imagine the blows he's get from pass rushers. I want this guy to stick around for a long time and try to break some records here in Buffalo.
  10. LOL and I'd be the first to point out the futility of the lines too!
  11. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: P.S. that was funny!
  12. That won't happen until he replaces the entire O-line! They couldn't block wind for a bunch of girl scouts selling cookies.
  13. Where's Wire? He, alone, has cost us 2 wins!!!
  14. I'd be willing to bench Drew if the haters would also favor benching/cutting the entire O-line. Life is about compromises and this proposal is very reasonable.
  15. I was listening to the post game interviews and I never heard that!
  16. LOL, that's funny! Is that kid any way related to the three Stooges?
  17. But the receiver touched the ball right? Even Elway and Montana didn't hit every receiver between the numbers on every pass attempt. That is impossible.
  18. I'm guessing you didn't watch much preseason. Nothing has changed! How dare you bring up dropped balls. We play only one song here: "It's all DB fault"--by The Wallers featuring Shecky and the Vendettas.
  19. No, that is the one fact that keeps slapping me in the face. Killbride ran it alot more. Wish we had him back. Look what he did for the Gints and Warner! Some fool in the chat room today actually believes we are better with Mularkey and Co now. Un-freakin-believable! Geez, the idiot doesn't even take into account the W/L record! What I truly don't understand is how the O-line has continued to regress for 3 straight years now with pretty much the same personnel. Only Ruben Brown is gone.
  20. How is sending 6 or 7 guys stopping the run? I thought you had to put 8 men in there to do that? Geez, your reasoning is scary! P.S. in case you don't know, DB does all the play calling. We have an OC just to wash jocks after games. Yea, I didn't know until recently. Oops, I take that back. Hell only 5 guys in the box can stuff the run on the clowns we have upfront. My mistake, you win.
  21. You mean like zero run attempts in the red zone? But that's all DB fault and don't you deny it!
  22. Ummmm, I don't think you heard but all of this is DB fault!
  23. PTR, I wasn't one of the people who ragged you for that! I wasn't on the board back then at all. I haven't even seen that thread. I continue as follows: 1. The O-line still sucks. However, this is all DB's fault. 2. The receivers used to drop passes but now they're fumbling them into the defenses hands. Again, Drew's fault! But I freely admit that second pass TD to Lee was all his fault, no question there. 3. We can't run for stevestojan even with WM out there. Yes, DB fault! 4. Defense continues to give up big pass plays or wiffs on tackles. Yet again, Drew's fault. Get the picture?
  24. It was just pointed out that we haven't scored a rushing TD in 37 freaking quarters! Once again, we have zero run attempts in the red zone. Especially on first down! But you know what, this is all Drew's fault. Gosh, I sound like a broken record. DB is to blame for play calling. Yet know one brings it up. Boy, once you pick your patsy, you have to keep playing that card. That's funny. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  25. LMAO! Loser! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Oh Gawd, he does blow doesn't he? Especially behind that All-Pro O-line. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
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