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Everything posted by jarthur31

  1. Another Bostonian knob gobbler.....big surprise!
  2. 92% with 12 miles. I started with Rhode Island and Nevada a bit later. This was a bit harder when you don't have other borders to work with.
  3. Please lose to the Ravens.
  4. It was prob planned. The stillers D just took a big blow.
  5. You need to read alot more! Troy won't be coming back for another couple of weeks, at the minimum. That knee isn't recovering like it should. Besides, he's in his 30's now.
  6. No I really think we can beat them handedly because they're starting defensive backfield is depleted. If we can establish the run, we will win! And we must stop their running game completely. I think Willis has a 100+ day with 2 TD's. Most important of all we can't kill ourselves with stupid mistakes like we had previously. Bills 22-16.
  7. Congrats dude!
  8. Does anybody know if the NFL will stop broadcasting the radio feeds on the net now that Sirius has a foot hold in the league? It's alot cheaper to get the NFL Field Pass than subscribing to Sirius. $30 for all games, all year is dirt cheap. Plus, I can see video highlights when I want to. I wish I knew of a way to save them to my HDD.
  9. Fez, what's the difference between putting a label on one side and actually printing on it? It shouldn't matter.
  10. You guys don't state the obvious. Teams haven't been throwing the jailbreak at him and the line is being more physical in the running game. Yet, I am still leery of them when it comes to simple pass protection. They have difficulty blocking just 5 rushers at times. When other teams start blitzing alot more you will see the usual breakdowns and mistakes plague this team once again.
  11. I hope this opens the eyes of all those adulterers and the consequences of their actions. True, most don't commit felonious acts of violence but this serves notice that they will eventually be caught and will have hell to deal with. Today is a good day for the 10 Commandments, I'd say!
  12. Don't worry, you won't be seeing that troll ever again.
  13. Cut the guy some slack! He's just hornier than most of us.
  14. I had no idea the type of real scum bag you really are! May you rot in Hell alongside every Anti-semite who ever dared draw breath! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  15. It's about needless censorship. You would think that the Republicans running the show would be falling all over themselves to air this!
  16. Stop. He is the product of the public school system. What did you expect, really?
  17. They don't have a stud RB any more. First play from scrimmage for the Bills: 4 wide and Willis breaks a huge run on the draw and sets up the whole tempo of the game. I think DB has a big game with nearly 300 yards passing. McGahee also will get 100 yards rushing and 2 TD's.
  18. Legs don't make a woman sexy......a fine ass does!
  19. LOL, remember he was supposed to beat the Dodgers and Reds in the WS too! P.S., Congratulations Mr. Cox!!! You deserved it for keeping the faith in the clubhouse. Please cut Reitsma ASAP!
  20. What if his feelings are geniune? And the rest of the locker room. I seriously doubt they've forgotten the first half of 2002.
  21. The Jews are God's chosen people. That land was destined for them. Read the Bible sometime.
  22. Praise Allah! ROFLMMFAO!
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