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Everything posted by Marshmallow

  1. Yeah, I'm serious. I write commercials for a living too. It drives me nuts when I see a bad ad on TV. For every bad commercial on the air, there were 10,000 good ones written that the client either didn't have the balls/foresight/creativity to approve. There's many reasons why, but think about it this way.....The person who judges the creativity and signs off on the commercials usually doesn't have one creative bone in his body. (sorry, usually a marketing guy) And even if he does, his boss doesn't. There's also a lot of money involved, and one bad move can get you fired. So, people play it safe. Safe = invisible.
  2. My friend wrote that commercial...I'll pass it on.
  3. Red State mentality.
  4. It would be even better of Fox joined them. We're talking about one journalist vs. an entire network.
  5. Posting a Goo. I like it! See that. Even "red staters" can play along. As long as you show them how to do it first.
  6. Good thing she's not getting married in NYC like I did. $160 per.
  7. Remember when a BJ was called "getting a lewinsky." Well, American vernacular is adding a new phrase.....Being from a Red State. I just think it's funny that "being stupid" has been replaced with "being from a red state" in vernacular. Someone might say, "what is he from a red state?" I love that. Blue States= more cultured more educated contributes much more to economy. more likely to get hit by terrorist attack. Red States= more likely to vote with bibles instead of brains.
  8. Bush won this election on two things and two things only. Fear and Homophobia. He turned soccer moms into security moms and rallied his homophobic base (ie religious right). So, yes, in a way, with OBL coming out so last minute, I'm sure that turned more soccer moms into security moms. One would think that OBL would help Kerry because it proved that W was not able of leading this country. We are currently in a war with a country we don't need to be in, yet the guy who was in charge of 911 is still alive and enjoying life. He's taunting us. The problem is that this is a chess match and Osama is smarter than Bush.
  9. I just think it's funny that "being stupid" has been replaced with "being from a red state" in vernacular. Someone might say, "what is he from a red state." I love that. Blue States= more cultured more educated contributes much more to economy. (more people making over 200g) more likely to get hit by terrorist attack. Red States= more likely to vote with bibles instead of brains.
  10. Is Drew the worst starter in the league? I can't watch him anymore.
  11. ICE, I know this might sound lame, but go read "Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff" or at least listen to the audio cd version of it. I used to get fired up over a lot of stuff (I am no mean saying that what you're pissed about isn't valid). I bought it on Itunes not that long ago and it really makes sense. I recommend it to anyone who needs a little perspective in life.
  12. You're right. Instead they were influenced by FEAR and HOMOPHOBIA. It's too bad people voted with their bibles instead of their brains. (the notion of Religious Right still baffles me, since Jesus is the biggest liberal of them all) On the note of fear, I bet we NEVER see another raised terror warning in this country. Why bother now. The election is over. People were so scared by the Bush Admin over the last 3 years, they forgave him for his arrogance and incompetence. Fear is a powerful tool. Yet Osama, you know, the one responsible for 911, taunts us every day. This is a chess match, and Osama is smarter than Bush.
  13. Rice is going to Seattle. Not Porter.
  14. Moulds, Porter Evans/Reed would be sick! Could you imagine? First they shop Rice, now Porter.
  15. We'll get the number 1 pick in the draft with that trade! Use that pick on OL. Cut Bledsoe. Next year.... Losman will have half a season under his belt. We'll be starting a more athletic QB behind a better oline Better oline means better blocking for Willis.
  16. that play was supposed to be a naked bootleg for Bledsoe. Just heard it on the radio.
  17. You mean the trend that came in style about 2-3 years ago and was out of style about 1 year ago? Try to follow along my friend. Don't worry, whatever tired old look you're sporting these days will be back in style and you can be cool again.
  18. Wow. There's a lot of old people on this board who forget what it was like to be young. I'm sure there was a style or music that you did when you were young that pissed off old people like yourself. You probably said you'd never be like that. Honestly, the day I listen to an 98-year-old man about fashion, please shoot me. This kind of stupid thinking can only be responded with more stupid thinking......like......... Why wear a baseball cap if you're not playing baseball? Why wear a Moulds jersey if you're not Eric Moulds. Why are sneakers called sneakers when most people don't sneak around in them. I hate to break it to you, but most people think wearing Bills gear beyond the age of 8 is pretty pathetic. Most people would agree that the time you spend on this football board is pathetic. I say, if it ain't hurting anyone, to each his own.
  19. I certainly don't have the answer to that. But I bet the 130 Billion dollars we spent in Iraq would more than cover the bill.
  20. See. I don't get that. Because hatred for Americans didn't start with Clintons. It didn't start with Bush I. It didn't even start when Regan sold Saddam WMDs or when he turned his back on Osama in the war against Russia. So why would you hold that against Gore if he was Pres...because honestly, they're all guilty. Even GW Bush. He had plenty of time to get up to date.....10 mos (counting the last part of the Clinton Admin when he was being briefed) If Bush W thought what Clinton had done was so horrible, perhaps he would have put more thought into protection our country. Perhaps he wouldn't have ignored security briefings. It would have been his number one priority. Instead he went on vacation for 3 months during his first 8 months in office. He didn't seem too worried, did he? Does he not deserve some of the blame? Conservatives weren't the only ones mad about Black Hawk Down. And that's exactly my point. That's why I asked the question. If people can't put their party aside when they really feel that something that's happening is wrong, then they care more about their party then their country. I think you passed the test with flying colors. We'll just have to agree to disagree on the Gore thing.
  21. Brady has anywhere from 5-8 seconds to throw the ball and mismatches all over the field. People are ready to put him the HOF. Ever see what happens to him when he gets serious pressure? He looks like stevestojan.
  22. Okay...just like I said there's no proof Bush lied or was given bad info, there's no proof that WMDs were shipped out or buried. I personally think Bush lied to take advantage of our fears and Patriotism for a war he wanted. But that's not important either. No proof. I call BS on the next statement. Bush linked Sadam and AQ so often, something like 90% of Americans think Sadam had something to do with 911. It's clear that was the plan. Americans would not have given him the green light to go with to war with a country that didn't have ties to 911 before we took care of those who did. Again, personally, I think he made the connection so he could go to war. Not important. That wasn't the question. Security issues with Nuke Plants and Shipping Yards are reported at least once a week by major news stations. yes, they do outright hate us. Maybe I'll ask it this way.... All things being equal....if Gore was pres, would you think he was doing a great job?
  23. This is for Republicans (and I guess some Dems) who think George Bush did the right thing and is doing a great job. If Al Gore was president.... And he told us that Iraq had WMD's......but none were found. (regardless of if he lied or was given bad info) And he told us that Iraq had something to do with 911....but no proof was found. (regardless of if he lied or was given bad info) And he spent Billions of dollars and the lives of over 1000 American Soldiers on the war Iraq. And he has completely turned the world against us. Yet...still hasn't found Osama... And...still hasn't a secured our borders, nuclear plants or shipping yards. Would you honestly say that he was doing a great job? I'm not a political geek, so I'm not going to be able to spar with you. Just becasue you have more bullet points doesn't make you right. I'm just asking a question. That's all. Just curious. For the record....I am an independent but mostly lean left. And if Gore was president, I would still be furious. Goo
  24. My favorite is when someone responds to a post by saying, "Your an idiot". Cracks me up every time.
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