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John in VA Beach

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Everything posted by John in VA Beach

  1. I haven't seen it mentioned here much, but maybe MM is not naming a starter because he plans to play both. I don't mean in a disaster split time type of thing. I think Holcomb gets the nod until the playoffs are out. However, looking at MM history of the gadget plays in the past it seems logical to me that even if Holcomb starts he will eventually run JP in for some deception and confusing during the game. I just hope if this scenario plays out that they put Losman in with plays that succeed and don't further retard his growth.
  2. Yeah, I did a double take. How can you not know what the starting QB should look like?
  3. Only in my dreams...
  4. You know what struck me is that this was exactly the type of game he would have lost in bufallo. He never could beat a good agresive defense while in a bills uni. Philly is a good team and he made them look silly weak. Parcels is a great coach.
  5. Schaub played great for UVA in an NFL style offense while in college. He was in control and accurate. I followed both him and Vick and both are the real deal. I couldn't believe when the Falcons picked him up as a reserve because the guy had starter written all over him. the falcons are lucky to have both, but to suggest Schaub get the nod over Vick is pretty silly to me. Football is a game of athletes and there are none better than Vick. Not to mention Vick is a prooven winner.
  6. I agree with almost everything you said except I think the season is pretty much over. Holcomb is not the answer. Everyone hopes Losman is, but how do you find out by benching him? I've seen the bills get pummeled enough this year to know they are playing 16 games and calling it a season. Why not see if losman has what it takes. Sitting on the bench is not going to help his field vision and progressions. He needs to show the fans, organization, and himself that he can do the job. Now we go into next season with the same questions. Maybe I could understand if the rest of the team was playing at a high level like last season, but no faze of the game is at this point and to top it off holcomb has looked horrible this year. / end rant.
  7. I'm sure the NFL does not care who buys the tickets corporations or fans. For me, I decided over the week to not watch or support the game. It stinks for the cards and sets a bad precedence for the league and the bills who are fairly close to toronto.
  8. The above quote was from TD, not MM.
  9. Unless I don't know that there is more history to that posters comments, I don't see how that can make him a bandwagon fan. I've been following the team for 25 years, and this whole mess is getting pretty darn frustrating. It should be frustrating to all Bills fans. The organization needs to produce a winner on the field, not an almost, or a next year, or another rebuilding stint, a winner. I have no interst in following any other team, but I do wonder why I watch every game to get dissapointed with the product and be depressed at the start of the week. About Henry, I think the only thing TD deserves credit for is his patience. That third that he held out for tied with a second could get the bills two OL players in the first round this year. Hopefully the crop is exceptional.
  10. Maybe Hasslett gave him the week off to rest after seeing the Bills last two games.
  11. I read somewhere that JP when talking about the throwbacks said the team prefers the throw backs, but its not his call. I actually like the red helmet, but those uniforms were awesome compared to the Drew era ones. Maybe if we keep calling them the "Drew Era Uni's" management will be quicker to do away with them. I'd give up the red helmet for that suit any day.
  12. The Bucs got a good win off of an over rated Vikings team yesterday. I look at the Bucs, and the Bills are better across the board by position. I can understand that an away game is a big test, but I think the Bills should win this game. Thinking back not so fondly to the last visit to tampa, hopefully this time there won't be any injuries.
  13. Yeah, its important to note that JP handled it like a man. Marino always got on his players too, but it was in a whiney "It wasn't my fault" kind of way. Kelly did it with a toughness and that looked like JP yesterday. Its also good to note that missed route looked like Reed's only screw up yesterday. He caught the ball when it went his way.
  14. Amen. Kraft reads his lines as well as donald trump. sick.
  15. Campy, Do you recall the name of the vb shop?
  16. Thanks for posting that.
  17. That was one of the funniest things I've ever seen on the sidelines. I saw it live yesterday with the Redskins team announcng the whole game. I don't know if the NFL Network played the first half with Theisman and co. But when that guy who does the play by play for the skins (Mike Patrick?) from ESPN said, "Its never good when they are praying on the sidelines for a plyer who isn't injured", I about died. I actually felt bed for Brown watching that> It was hard to see someone fail so badly with a job on the line.
  18. Thanks for the AC info/ tips guys. That is really good to know. I guess since I've been driving the same car for a decade some of the newer auto tech design benefits have slipped me by.
  19. Actually, that would be a great idea, but mine is an older car with no AC and I'm sure she wouldn't give up her three month old camry.
  20. How organized was the force in the city? I don't believe they could hope to maintain order. If it was me, my first priority would be protecting my family. Period. If my job hindered my ability to do so....I'd walk in a second.
  21. We're still a few years away from the technology.
  22. The push for better public transportation systems will be enormous in the upcoming elections I'm betting. Gas prices in Atlanta are at $5 a gallon. I have a small celica and live a half mile from work, so I'm one of the lucky few regarding gas usage, however my wife has a much farther drive and v6 engine. I was shocked, today was the first time I ever saw her drive with the windows down on a day over 80 degrees.
  23. Anybody who doesn't think that the governments response to this disaster has been and continues to be slow is delusional. The thing that really gets me is that apparently one guy maybe more, but I've only seen one gunner confirmed, in a crowd randomly fired at a helicopter so all rescue attempts were halted at the dome. If that is the case, send in more guards, a few people with weapons is no excuse for the US gov/ military not to go in and assist those that need help. If that was a factor in decideding how we run business in the US we sure as hell wouldn't be spread all over the globe militarily today.
  24. Bledsoe..... Its a shame Willis has to be seen on that crap.
  25. Ah, Miami..... It brings a smile to my face knowing that even if the Bills have a bit of a disapointing season I can always hang my hat on the train wreck that is brewing in the limp penis state.
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