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Everything posted by BuffaloBorn1960

  1. Ummm your avitar says you joined the Board on January 31, 2006.... were you with Hillary when she was under sniper fire in Bosnia as well? My recollection is that Katrina hit in August 2005....
  2. Put down the Mike Moore Kool-aid, There are Republican Governor's in La, Tx and Mississippi and all indications are that they will do the right thing without crying about it... Much more orderly than before...
  3. he is, and always has been, a truly classless, self centered, egotistical, arogant moron....
  4. As the Guiness commercial states.. I think McCains pick for all the reasons stated is "Brilliant"
  5. Umm she actually stopped it and returned the funds.. She has been a reformer and has bucked the leadership in her state to side with the people... I luv it that she returned state surplus to the people
  6. You obviously were born after 1978..... everyone knows that bluto was on a roll.....
  7. I always hated that Ef"fin" mamal that used to swim in that pool at the orange bowl
  8. Ron Mexico is probablt the best DC available.... Probably put quite a few woman in the stands as well...
  9. I lived in a majority of the places you mentioned and whi;le I enjoyed Boston, New York and DC.. Chicago came close probably cause I went to school with the local ABC sportscaster's bro (MARK GIANGRECO) and he always highlighted the Buffalo teams... NONE of them hod a candle to what makes Buffalo Special... its the combination of all things... People, Places, Sports, Bars, Restruants, etc... If I could I would move back in a heartbeat....
  10. I haven't lived in Buffalo since 1982... I have lived in Va Beach, Boston, NY, Bethlehem, D.C. Detroit, Chicago, Albany and Houston since then.... All the while I tried unsuccessfully to get transferred back to Buffalo... Once I offered to take a big demotion to get back.... thats when they sent me to Albany... now my company no longer has an office there and its sad... one of my kids shares his love of Buffalo and memories of our trips home to see parents and friends.. He loved it so much, he now attends UB... I got him season tickets (Unfortunately he is seing the same Bills I say at his age... really bad!) Doesn't matter much to him.. win or lose it's OUR TEAM!!... He wrote home and told his mother he now understands why his dad loves this city and he plans to stay there if he can after school.... The tradition continues maybe our kids can make things better and restore Buffalo to its old glory!!.. I don't know why... I have this addiction to Buffalo... I lived in many areas and they are all nice in thier own way.... but nothing compares to the people and quality of life in Buffalo... It may sound sad to some... but the best things in my life all have a Buffalo tie.... I proposed to my wife in Buffalo, concieved my first two kids in Buffalo... funny we didn't live there at the time (did I mention its a great place to vacation)... Even funnier is they both decided to go to college.... there.... Maybe its time for Buffalo to talk proud again! I think all good things should be repeated on no more than 20 year cycles... LOL while were at it Bring Back Jimmy!!! I have now rambled on too long.... LETS GO BUFFALO!!!
  11. Umm.. 1) We already have to rebuild the o-line 2) We will be looking for a new starting WR 3) We already have RB's & FB who can catch 4) our TE's are smallish 5) JP will be fine 6) better than the current 5 yard passes on 3rd & 11.
  12. Imagine what he could do with losman.... oh btw we also need to keep sam!
  13. And how do you like your crow served... raw or fried?
  14. Wear a Bills Hat and Shirt... Go to Quincy Market.... Yell Go Bills!! and PATSY"S suck!
  15. I think we are going to need some photographic evidence to review your opinion. Please provide ASAP.
  16. I think it was all setup to garner even more publicity...
  17. Great... we go evrery year to see the fireworks.... not bad for a samll town!
  18. We went to a couple of games and it was always fairly packed.
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