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Everything posted by BuffaloBorn1960

  1. LOL... Seriously he was the inspiration of many of the men he served with... he led by example! he organized his men and helped keep their hope alive.. That is leadership... You comment about OBAMA just doesn't hold any water in a serious debate... he did it for future political reasons.... McCain did it for the right reasons. if you are upset with McCains temper and so called arrogance how can you get behind OBAMA/Biden?... Both are arrogant and Joe has displayed 10X's the temper
  2. exactly what we need.. thanks so much... How's that? working on my go along to get along skills... heard it might help my political aspirations...
  3. Yes you can't keep track? They were very simple reply's... not to nitpick....
  4. Dude... you are an idiot.... but I luv u man!
  5. you said..."Yes, during the time McCain was a POW, where he served his fellow prisoners admirably, but calling him a "leader of men" a opposed to Obama a community organizer in the Southside ghettos of Chicago is a stretch. " Huge difference... Comparing a political community organizer who went home every night to his beautiful wife ... to a man who provided moral LEADERSHIP to his fellow POW's while under constant mental and physical torture is the true stretch... I think you would be better off saying you made a mistake on this one and move on... I really dont think this is an argument you can win.... Carter was a joke for many more reasons.... I think you over generalize with your statements about "Flyboys"
  6. actually its my fault for not using spell check you elitist scum bag doesnt change the intent tho... does it?
  7. OMG... Im with Darrin on this.... McCain is not even in my top 5 perfered nominee's... But when was Obama faced with a decision that allowed him to leave his less fortunate behind and decided to stay back with his men, knowing full well that the consequences for that decision meant more torture.... and I am not talking about harry ried/fancy nancy type either.... but real blood curling torture... you are an idiot! Holy shhhiittt
  8. re read the post and clarify your answers if you like...
  9. Wow... so who is the candiate for change.??.. the one that goes along to get along.... or the one that has challenged the status qou of their party?... brilliant I'll take the POW/Soccer mom ticket over the Opportunist/Carrer polititian ticket..
  10. Yes.. much better to rely on a state legislator, who through the political machine and general incompetence of the candidates he oppsosed wins election to the senate.... He then immediately begins his run for the presidency instead of working for the people that elected him... and when he does show... up he votes left of Ted Kennedy... Yeah he would be my choice for president.. lol at least Pallin has run a small town, a business, and a state ....no matter how small it may be (population) or how great its land mass... Lets get a chance to know the fair lady before we bash her on superfical judgements...
  11. ummm.... who controled congress in the 80's? Who earmarked all the pork barrel projects? and Who actually pays the taxes in the US?
  12. meant to bow to the temple of OBAMA..... sorry can you respond to the rest of my reply?
  13. As some who was actually did responded to both Katrina and Rita (not to drop names as you have ), you could not be any wrong... NO had resources of a large american city at its disposal and did next to nothing... waited for a handout from Uncle Sam.... When do you go through with your good friend Hillary? Did you wear kevlar to protect you against the snipers?
  14. Yes those people in small towns clinging to their Bibles and guns clearly have no business in NATIONAL politics... Tell me again what business or executive position has either OBAMA or BIDEN had? Enlighten me on the struggles Obama had with the Chicago Democrat Party Machine?
  15. Could it be that you dont believe in this bounce because it is far less than hoped for??
  16. OK... were you with hillary back then as well? Doesn't change the fact that La State and Local agency's acted terribly in contrast to TX and Miss... why was that?
  17. Hey I take offense to that.... my son name is M-I-C-H-A-E-L.... and thats why I refer to him as Mike... ohh.... thats why i like spellcheck
  18. I agree... just like we should not have infered anything into..."I did not have sex with that woman!" Sorry.. couldnt help myself Bottom line for me is Moore is a has been !@#$ and Carter is a traitor and a has been.... everytime he opens his mouth my opinion of him drops lower... didnt think it could get lower but it does... Take his comment about McCain "milking" his POW status... How low can you go Jimmy... must have a real flexible spine or no spine to limbo so low
  19. All I said was ..."nice bounce for Obama " I thought he was going to head out of the DNC with a double digit lead.. some thought 15pts +.... Are you saying McCains choice for VEEP erased such expectations? Instead of koolaid maybe you should have an adult beverage... .. cheers! Who do you think pisses off the "Republican political establishment" more? Obama Biden Mikey Moore McCain/Pallin I bet the 1st three piss em off more but i could be wrong
  20. But she did the right thing...right? Do you argue that she should not have returned part of the state surplus to the people? after all it is their money... right? :
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