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Posts posted by BuffaloBorn1960

  1. I'm surprised you constipated neocons aren't freaking out over the implication that OBL saw F/911 ... making statements of surprise that Bush just sat there in the classroom while under attack.


    Were you thinking no-one noticed?


    Nope....He helped produce that propaganda with that whore moore....

  2. Yeah, I can hear Gore now had he been elected. :(


    Unfortunatley we keep hearing from Gore....

    I invented the internet...

    I never took tobacco money...

    I will put social security in a lock box...

    I don't need you Bill... and Hillary swings the wrong way....

    Every vote should count....unless its military absentee votes for my opponent...


    waaaaa waaaa waaa

  3. The Republicans have hired 1,400 people to stop democrats from voting in Ohio, you can bet those poll watchers won't be in Republican districts. 


    To stop democrats from voting??? Huh? facts please... No one should stand for that!! No matter what polictical party... Please no spin... what are the facts of this serious allegation...


    Or is it more of the same scare tactics from the left..

  4. not really. I'm just saying whatever truth there is is colored by time, bias, and possibly money.  McCain had no issue, or if he did he got over it.  I pointed out that I underwent the torture at survival school and they showed me the My Lai stuff.  I was more considered about immediate treatment that what was being published by the American press.  I suspect they were concerned more about torture than what Jane Fonda or others were saying.


    Could it be that what was being published by the American press.... The things that Kerry & Fonda were saying... were giving the enemy a weapon they could use to convince (torture) the POW's to admit to the things that others were already saying about them? No matter if they were true or not?


    Could it be said that it gave the enemy more reasons to believe that if they applied enough pressure (torture) that they could extract confessions that would help their cause?


    It was disgusting then... as it is now!!


    At least Hanoi Jane has appologized!

  5. That is the reason Nixon gave but it was hardly the reason.  He had no idea if such a challenge would work or make a difference but it certainly would have damaged his reputation irreparably if it turned out he would have lost anyway.  It would also have triggered very close scrutiny of his own campaign and I'm guessing by what we know of the kind of campaigns he ran in '68 and '72 that the last thing he would have wanted was a close examination of his own tactics.  Such a challenge, if made, could easily have backfired and ruined any chance for him to live to fight another day.


    The idea that he was so noble that he put aside his ambition for the good of the Republic is impossibly and even laughably naive.  This is a politician remember.  Not only that but one of the most successfully Macciavellian ones of all time.  Even Eisenhower despised him.


    You don't know what the end result would have been... nobody knows for sure, many have speculated that it was the reason Nixon lost... Dailey, Teamsters and the Mob delivered the Presidency to Kennedy... Maybe some of those also helped end his Presidentcy... My speculation....You can speculate all you want.... but Nixon did what Gore could not... And we are paying for it today.... the Dems have 10,000 lawyers, per DNC standing by to "Protect Everyones right to vote" B.S. unless they mean everyone voting for Kerry... They want to ensure this election is either decided by the people if Kerry Wins or by the courts if Kerry loses.. :doh:


    And by the way, Eisenhower was the one who told Nixon to challenge it.... But it seems you are part of the "Yeah but", crowd we see all the time from the left....


    Bottom line is there was massive fraud in Chicago,,, Dead people voting in large numbers for Kennedy.. You don't seem to concerned with this because your guy won and all is far in Politics and war huh?



  6. Oh, you mean those Palestinians families who were paid after a family member died attacking Israel? How many of them were paid to attack the U.S.?


    I can list many more connections to the Saudis than you have regarding Iraq, does that mean we and Spain should invade and occupy Saudi Arabia?


    Sometimes you can be such a dull tool.


    Pasta... put down the kool aid for a second and listen to yourself....


    Homocide bombers kill inocent people.... they are terrorists.... this is a war against terror!!


    The difference is the Saudi Government does actually from time to time crack down on terrorist... They somehow hardly ever make it to trial,,, as they usually are killed trying to escape....


    Iraq never did...

  7. And the wonderful thing about humanity is that you could have 5 people see the same thing and get 5 different interpretations.


    For every soldier's letter like this you'll find one that's extremely critical of the Administration.  I ought to know, we receive them at our house.


    We have the luxury of hindsight to review Vietnam and the Cold War (I think Kerry was a little young to do much about the worst of the Cold War in the late 50's and early 60's by the way).


    I'm not dismissing this guy's letter.  But it's just one soldier. I'm glad it makes you feel better.  But there are about 134,999, or more, other stories.  Plus, if you care, the stories of the Iraqis as well.


    Ummm.... when exactlty do you think the Cold War ended??? And when do you think it was at its worst?

  8. So here's a seroius question, and be honest:  If someone else, say Chiraq for example, made the same statements would you react the same?  Or would you say that foreigner ought to keep their danged opinions to themselves and not meddle in our elections?


    I think Putin may just be ticked off that Kerry's comments about loose nukes and Russia put his nose out of joint...but I guess only Putin knows his motives.


    Nevertheless I think it's somewhat odd that he would make these statements and even odder that people who are normally suspcious of others' motives seem to want to take those statements at face value.


    Note to moderator:  this is not an attack, just a question.


    and the fact that Russia was such a strong member of the coalition sending all those troops... you probably feel he is just rationalizing their decision to support....oh wait.... nevermind....

  9. I know a lot of about body language and that is a tense situation.  Both are using closed posture and their arms as a barrier between one another.  Both have clenched fists, Kerry is holding his pint ultra tight almost white knuckle like.  Both postures are slumped and the dude on the right is grimacing.  That was not a pleasant meeting- I wish I could of heard what was said


    I'm suprised he didn't have his little pinky in the air... must have taken a great deal of restraint.. :devil:

  10. I am sure that to you, any person who has more than a rudimentary grasp of language appears to be "elitist".  To appear not so, we on the left would have to display the same stumbling, fumbling, burbling inability to express a coherent thought as your leader, the great "Unificator". :)



    Keep it up.... you continue to make my point... :devil:


    But what do I know... I was edumicated by Franciscans & Jesuits :blink: Still suffer the pains!


    Your right... Kerry has such a clear vision of what he will do...


    What was it he said again?


    You know what they say.... if the shoe fits... you're an elitist... :blink:

  11. :D:lol::w00t::D

    So, in summary:


    It's the wrong war at the wrong time

    Allawi is a puppet of the Bush administration

    Iraq is a quagmire

    The countries currently supporting us are the 'coalition of the coerced and bribed'




    John Kerry is just the guy to win the war by getting our *real* allies, namely France and Germany, involved.  Great ideas, John.


  12. Minimum 12 points on these bad calls.... what would we think if just one were not called....




    "NFL: 3 Calls Go Against Bills

    by Bill Pucko

    Published Sep 23, 2004


    The NFL responds to errors made by its officials so as to seem above reproach. Because every once in a while, you get a game, like the one the Bills played and lost in Oakland Sunday, that looks like it's been thrown.

    The NFL prefers its officials to be bad, not dishonest.


    According to WKBW-TV in Buffalo, the NFL came clean over three critical plays Sunday in Oakland. It admitted its officials blew the calls on Roland Williams' holding in the end zone, which would have led to a Bills safety.


    The league also reportedly admitted error on the holding call assessed to the Bills' Mario Hagen on Nate Clements' 63-year punt return. The league said there was no hold on the return.


    Last, but certainly not least, the league said Travis Henry's fourth and goal run should have been scored a touchdown. It was not. In that case, the Bills could have challenged the call, but chose not to.


    WHile acknowledging mistakes by its officials, there is no recourse. The Bills still lose.


    Buffalo is on a bye week. It plays Sunday, October 3 against the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots. "

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