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Everything posted by BuffaloBorn1960

  1. Guy got less than he deserved.... lets see probably stabbed an 84 year old woman and definately killed a 50 year old cop.. The guy desrves to share a cell with Mikey Jackson with his hands tied while mike plys him with jesus juice!!! He will be beggin for a beating after that!
  2. You doing pretty well by yourself.... Keep thinking I am sure you will be able to add to the list if you look deep inside and let the truth out... its very liberating isn't it?
  3. Don't use the word "tucker" around Mike Williams.... Those from downunder will understand.
  4. And the Bills might win a superbowl someday!
  5. I am not calling you a liar..... But 90 degrees in Syracuse??? has that even happened in the last decade or soo... or do you mean you cut your yard, once, when it got to 90?
  6. Well you are right... broken glass can be used to cut someone up... the umbrella can be used to impale someone... but add the nail file and you might be able to use it as a screw driver and get into a restricted area where you can then use your champagne bottel and umbrella to take over the plane.... just a thought... by the way how come you think your so enlightened to KNOW ithas nothing to do with increased security???? are you omnicent?
  7. I don't know... might have been TennyBoy in town for some sort of Bush Bashing meeting with that whinning Kerry dude...
  8. Blue Cheese to Chicken wings Horse radish to Beef on wecks Jack to Coke Monica to...
  9. I highly recommend the directors cut!!! http://oldspice.com/
  10. Don't forget... Loganberry drinks for the kids.... Fowlers Chocolate.... Spong candy & Orange Chocolate Now if you could replicate Anderson's Ice Cream lemon Ice I'd visit from TX!!
  11. Speaking of party line... and means justifying the end... The nazi's were very good at using propaganda.... kinda of like the Mikey Moore film..F911... he would have been a hit with the fuhrer....
  12. Yeah we probably should just let the Butcher of Baghdad free... and turn everything back to the way it was before the war... when nobody was being killed on a daily basis..
  13. Typical Lib! Can't trust thier promises.... Just like the statements...If GWB is re-elected I'm moving to....
  14. Gee....I thought you were one of those...."I support the troops but am against the war" types... guess I was wrong..
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