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Posts posted by Stiffler

  1. I'd cut him June 1st. He doesn't want to be here. I don't want a petulant infant on the team. I feel the Bill's management failed to wake up and get whatever they could for him - other teams correctly determined that he has become a snot.



    You don't cut someone that has value. Period. That is just bad business. If the Bills are dead set on getting rid of him, then they can trade him at a discount-- say a fourth rounder next year. Better than the nothing the Bills get from cutting him.

  2. The biggest problem I have with the particulars of his game is that he stacked up 1300+ yards twice by pounding away with a yard a carry for 7 tries and got his big yards later in the game.  I prefer my #2 RB to be more of a Kenny Davis who was a great change of pace to TT (though not nearly as good an RB as TT was because of TT's pass catching ability and blitz pick-up skill but that is not essential in a back-up anyway) but having more instant offense than Henry has shown.



    I think you are misconstruing why Travis was more successful later in the game. It wasn't because he needs 20+ carries to warm up. It was more because he had worn down the defense with his pounding running style -- and he didn't wear down as much as the defense did. So when he hits the hole with first quarter force, he tended to get more yards.


    I do not see this being a problem, as McGahee will do as well as Henry in terms of wearing down a defense. In that respect, the 1-2 never-ending punch of battering ram-style running, Willis and Henry could be fantastic. In theory of course.

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