New Era may want to hold off till they see who will be the new FLA. Gov? Could make a big difference on their taxes.
The talk in Virginia about Amazon is; Dr. Evil already owns the Washington Post. So he's consolidating in the DC area to be in a better position to resist whatever his future may be, with respect to any future anti-trust problems. They're locating to "National City," formerly Crystal City, just W of Reagan National Airport. That area used to be full of Government and contractor offices. A while back, somebody put in a Govt. reg. that all offices had to be set back 80+ feet from the road. Crystal City couldn't move US-1, and DCA wasn't going to move their N-S runway, so the area is very much high vacancy, right now.
The rush hour traffic to/from DC (I-395) and the Pentagon is already FUBAR. This could make it worse BUT the number of jobs moving to the area is still not published.
When Boeing moved from Seattle to Chicago. Illinois gave them the store but they never gained any manufacturing jobs, only 200-300 office types. Maybe Amazon will be similar? Don't know about the Long Island location but there's not very much real estate in Arlington VA.,that could handle warehousing type operations.