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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. The Frankenstein statue would compliment my Christmas Story Lamp.
  2. It will be Matt DUH, if he stinks.
  3. They both deserve to be back, if they want to.
  4. Since the Aud was on the smallish side, he didn't have to see that well.
  5. If they can keep dumass out of fights, they could still win some.
  6. That's too bad because he just finished reading his playbook.
  7. Bad that it happened but good that it didn't happen last season.
  8. Politics/Political advice suck too. And as long as they attempt to introduce that crap into a Sports format, they will continue to suck.
  9. Any team who plays Jacksonville, rest of the season, should strive to have Fournette ejected. Absent a reliable QB, it's a guaranteed W.
  10. What goes around, comes around? Maybe "it's" finally going to come around for BUF.
  11. Take the away the stupid 3rd down penalty, and the dropped passes, and he still emerged with a good game. I'm satisfied! Also very worried by the risk he takes running.
  12. If the place is that popular, why not rent the spaces for an outrageous sum, then if towing is necessary, just do it.
  13. Isle of Man? It's an Isle of Man thing!
  14. They're as exciting as C-SPAN & the Weather Channel. I look at their web site but never the TV side.
  15. Jimmy the Greek got fired by answering a similar question. The answer clearly is YES!
  16. I agree with that BUT he's a guaranteed loss of a down almost every play he's used in.
  17. If they ask you if "y'all a Yankee?" say No, I'm a Bills fan. Done that several times and it really shuts them up.
  18. Didn't know that he is 79. Hope they can find parts to fix him up.
  19. Sounds like an entree name at a restaurant.
  20. OK, who's got the freakin pin number?
  21. Maybe a laugh track and applause are to follow?
  22. Last season, on their online banner, they didn't even have the NHL on their top bar Since we sucked last year, I could live with it. This year it's where it's supposed to be.
  23. You have to use a little common sense when selecting an area to shop.
  24. I remember them both being Cheap!
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