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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. At this point, any talk about Shady is just that, TALK! No doubt Shady has been a contributor but how does that balance with his cap hit? Time will tell!
  2. Without question!
  3. Sleeping with the fishes maybe, to the Dolfelons, no way!
  4. Since the Bills are being run by successful business people, rather than some millionaire who "always wanted to do this or that," I would have to say that I wouldn't question their ability to run things right!
  5. What did you get sent up for?
  6. Anyone but the Evil Empire, aka New England!
  7. I wonder if he had any tickets?
  8. Well now a days, phone booths are pretty hard to find.
  9. It sucks to be suffering with a health condition and then getting sh*t from your employer too! We got screwed by our company because they went CH11. I guess we were lucky that we were just old enough to "retire," but our earned, promised pensions got dumped on the PBGC, and we now get pennies on the dollar. We were also forced to take a 20% pay cut, years before we retired to buy company stock, which limited what we could save in a 401K and also turned out to be worthless because of the bankruptcy. So now, 15 years later, we're scraping along while our former company has become very successful, with not so much as a look at their retirees.
  10. So now we have to wait to see if the freakin groundhog helps us?
  11. May turn out to be an ax murderer like Hernandez?
  12. In the mid to late 50's, I used to go to the Aud many Friday nights to watch. Chuck Healey WBEN used to broadcast, and they would re-run the matches on Saturday PM, also on WBEN. Wrestling was much bigger then, the AUD had a card every Friday Night. Not saying it was packed but there were a fair amount of people there.
  13. The old steel workers used to cash their checks at the local tavern. Pay their bar bill, and start a new tab. If you have a relationship like that at Starbucks, or the like, you may be drinking too much coffee.
  14. BoBo Brazil. And his famous coco but.
  15. Hope he gets them but if not, he's still had a wonderful career.
  16. I'll always remember George “Hound Dog” Lorenz. The "Sound of the Hound!"
  17. USA was on a roll in the 60- early 70's.
  18. Sorry to hear that, RIP. Employees and the customers at any out of town Bills Backer bar, are always special people.
  19. Good to see Lorax wants to come back. With Kyle retiring, he can provide some much needed continuity.
  20. Never knew they were "measurable." Oh wait!.
  21. I lived in Houston for 4 years, and that explains A LOT!
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