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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. If we run it backwards are we 10-6?
  2. Add that to the long list of things ESPN has been be wrong about.
  3. You're discounting the chance of rehabilitation?
  4. We all know that he "interviews well!" Couldn't stand him when he was here, no change if he's there!
  5. May be a package deal with a sex change operation in the Caribbean? Gunshot wound??
  6. That wouldn't work. Bowling is on Saturday!
  7. Buffalo Trace sounds like what the American west pioneers said when they tasted the stream water.
  8. Is that a pink lampshade??
  9. It was when we lived in the Seattle area. Maybe that explains it, but it was enough to keep us away.
  10. Target or Hostage?
  11. Tampa is like Cleveland but with nicer weather.
  12. No global warming in GoT? That would explain the winter thing.
  13. Never go there! Their wait staff love to crouch down and get in your face when they take your order. Very freaky!!!
  14. Also factor in; Oregon has no state sales tax on purchases. So all the people from Washington State which has NO state income tax BUT has numerous other ways to recover that, drive to Oregon to buy their big screen TV's, computers, etc. Makes for big traffic volumes on I-5, which is still a "freeway," and has no tolls.
  15. He won, and didn't even put his cigarette down! I remember going to a Knicks/Bullets game in the 70's. Phil Jackson was in the tunnel, leaning against the wall, signing autographs, while holding a cigarette. That was the mid-late 70's. Can't remember if they even had health warnings on the packs then?
  16. Oregon is a strange place. It's seismically active, volcanic, weather W of the Cascades is usually overcast & rainy. E of the Cascades is mostly dry high desert. it resembles a moonscape. Given all that, not surprised what they would vote for.
  17. Don't be sad! When you're home, You are #1 in the "P" line, and you can eat and drink all you want because there is no DUI rule for couches.
  18. Teams need to adjust, to ease the travel demands. Keep their travel options open, and change as needed. And PLEASE beat the Cheatriots!
  19. I was expecting to see a tail strike from that.
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