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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Going to sneak up on the Statue Of Liberty, from the Jersey side.
  2. Derek Anderson would be a good example of a mentor/waste of a roster spot.
  3. Good news! But 1 year? I know his age BUT a 2yr deal would have spoken louder.
  4. Along with our "mentors," another waste of a roster spot.
  5. Prison?
  6. Don't remember the specifics but Father Baker's was mentioned frequently in our house.
  7. Yeah time to downsize! 4TV's???
  8. How many "mentors" can we have? All the mentoring is not easily translated to W's. Mentoring is a job for coaches, not players.
  9. See em on the news. The terrorists seem to like them.
  10. Carubba collision is very reliable.
  11. IF all this happens, will they call it South Buffalo Bud?
  12. Yes I know but the environmental remediation costs have to be considered. Somebody pays for that, and I have to wonder if that may be the NYS taxpayers?
  13. Didn't realize there were that type of "race issues" in the UK.
  14. Hope it's more successful than the Tesla project. Are there any taxpayer "subsidies" planned for this? I thought most of that property had ground contamination from the past?
  15. Have not lived in BUF since 1970.
  16. No thanks! Tinpan is a bit too far and the there's no way I'd go to either Canal or National because of location.
  17. Forbes is a business publication. From a business standpoint, NYS will Always lag PA because of energy production, and cost of doing business. Ask the Pegula's about fracking!
  18. What's with the Disney Logo?
  19. I was stuck living in that sh*thole 82-86. Seems as though nothing much has changed!
  20. We live in a Blues wasteland! One of the few things I miss about living in Seattle is Jazz Alley. Also KPLU, which when we lived there was the go to FM station for jazz/blues. If you could steer around the NPR crap, it was very enjoyable. We've been gone since 2003, so maybe things have changed? So many of the artists/musicians have passed away, it's sad!
  21. Over the past 45 years we've had 6 Golden's. The first 2 were pups, next 3 were senior rescues, and #6 was found online at the local SPCA. They said he was about 1 year, very wild, I'm thinking a runaway. That was in 2009, and he's still doing fine. Slowed down a lot but still in good health. In our area, the rescue people won't consider you for a younger dog unless you have a fenced yard. We don't, never have, and would never just "put him out" in a yard anyway. There were some gaps along the way when we just couldn't find the "right" dog. You are absolutely right about breeder prices. They charge top dollar, and health and planned longevity are always a crap shoot. There may be some Golden Rescue people in your area. They usually have a web site, and you can decide on that. It has to be/feel right for you and your family. Maybe also give the Petfinder site a look. You can limit your search area, and it's also breed specific. Good luck! It's not as easy as we remember growing up, but keep your options open, and it will work out.
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