Been doing it since the late 60's.
In 2001, I had a friend who had leukemia, and needed blood. I got turned down as a blood donor, because I was anemic. After taking a lot of iron, with no change, my Doc finally did an endoscopic exam, looking for an ulcer, but found that I was Celiac. No drugs or cure EXCEPT for diet. No wheat, oats, barley or rye. Had I not followed that, my immune system would have failed, and I could have gotten a whole list of cancers. So, I'm thinking that by trying to help a friend, I may have saved my own life?
So that was almost 18 years ago, and I will say that the food choices have improved immensely over that time. Most of the European countries are very aware of this, and have even more. better tasting food options. In Italy, if you're diagnosed Celiac, they give you a day off, with pay, to do your grocery shopping My wife is a saint for helping me with all this.